Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So I was bored with nothing to do and I decided to pick up all my yearbooks (I have a collection on my desk, collecting dust) and started from my earliest yearbook, sixth grade.
  • Lol I was fond of wearing puffy purple vests.
  • Lol I had glasses.
  • Lol my hair was long.
  • Lol my hair was parted in the middle.
  • Lol I was black (much tanner than I am now).
And then on to Hopkins, seventh grade: just looking at the pictures and seeing how much everyone changed LOL.
then there's the people whose faces haven't changed at all.
/covers own photo/

Eighth grade.................
/flips through everyone's crazy signatures
/flip flip flip
lol people's faces and how they haven't changed at all.
/flip flip flip
..........................who drew a heart around Michael???

I have no memory of this whatsoever

And why have I never noticed???
...and when Christie Neo signed my yearbook, she crossed out her own face and wrote "HAGS JanJan <3"


awww, JeremyMak used to be so cute.

what happened?

Now look at him.
he doesn't even have pecs of steel. everyone looks so young and stuff screw the Mission yearbook I'm just going to look at everyone's nice, acne-free faces
/covers own photo/

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