Saturday, March 24, 2012


I don't know maybe you don't mean to hurt me or whatever, but you underestimate your own strength.
Because your actions today meant a lot to me and like made me feel that you were a true friend.
So today at the meet at Newark (that we were technically 'hosting', even though it was at Newark LOL. Best team in the league, shittiest pool in the league.) was shitty and terrible and freezing (Michael Hou got hypothermia omq this is where my lifeguard first aid training comes in handy fmdsa;lkjf) so basically everyone swam like shit.
Except I managed to drop like a second on my 100 IM. I now have a 1:10.75 c: c: c:
There was this one girl from Amador Valley that kept beating me in all of my events! Like 100 IM, 100 breast, 50 free..... even the relays :c 
But anyways we won the invitational in all of the divisions! Which was really surprising to me lol because it looked like Amador Valley JV Girls were kicking our frozen butts. 
200 Medley relay... B relay beat us omq -_________-
100 IM, came in like second of the heat and around third or fourth in the entire event. Points scored!
then when I went down to the warm-down lanes and jumped in, then all of a sudden this guy comes out of nowhere, swimming fly, and the back of his hand hits my left eye so hard I'm stunned and see white lights and think I'm dead for a few seconds. Then the pain hits. And I am unfortunately not dead, because it hurts like an Oedipus. Not even wearing goggles x__x so I'm just standing in the water clutching at my eye and like sobbing in pain and the guy's really sorry and stuff and also stands there like "Are you okay??? Are you okay??? I'm really sorry!!! Are you okay???" And I'm too busy sobbing and clutching to like answer him but I finally manage to blubber out a "yeah I'm fine" to him but since I was crying pools and like clutching my eye I don't think I seemed very 'fine'. So apparently the only Mission person who was in the pool and saw me get hit was  the person mentioned in the post before and also is very easy to figure out who because he is six feet tall yes and he just like came over and hugged me and like rubbed my back or something to I don't know, try to get me to calm down? fjdk;jkflsa; IT HURT SO MUCH so I was just standing there crying. And then he was like oh what do we do what do we do and then I looked at him and he was like can you open your eye? And I was like um it feels swollen and then he said 'looks like there's blood coming out of your eye socket come on let's go let's go to Cory' and then I freaked
but turns out it wasn't coming from my eye socket (pheeeeeew) but a cut about a centimeter long at the very inner corner of my eye (it still hurts now, but thank goodness it stopped bleeding) and then I just got ice and they took me to like the office and that person stayed with me the entire time and like got his spare towel for me and my parka and all that stuff and then when it felt less swollen he took me back.
I was like
wow thanks so much
and he said
no problem.
and now I'm like wow you're such a good friend lol I write angry blog posts about you but sometimes you can be really nice and stuff
and also
putting on goggles is going to make my cut sting like a biiiiiiiiiiiiitch
and yeah.
50 free was all bad, went cold turkey on it because the whole cut thing made it so I couldn't warm up +__+
400 freelay was even worse omq I went a 1:08 it's all over for me

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