Saturday, March 17, 2012

the cold is in my soul

Why am I so cold.
The heater is blasting. And I am wearing five layers. Long sleeved shirt, sweater, jacket, baby blue plush bathrobe, and my little blanket thing.

I look like a dumbass

I smile like a dumbass
I even have a handwarmer in my pocket. From the meet.
What is this.
I think it's because I was cold, all the way from 6AM today when we arrived at De La Salle, to around 4PM, when we finally left that accursed place.
Now I'm shivering uncontrollably.
Which led me to put on all this stuff.
So yesterday at the meet it was raining so hard :c
and there were like no chairs because some people didn't bring chairs and ended up sitting everywhere. basically spent the meet sitting on Jeremy because he said I could and I didn't want to stand the entire meet -__-
I only had 200 medley relay and 100 IM and then I was done. then I had to wait for Alisha and Annaliese to finish because we were carpooling lul.

today was better because it wasn't raining but I swear it was like twenty degrees colder wtf and so windy D: D: D:
and people brought chairs but I still spent the meet sitting on Jeremy
Cory made us come at 6 and get in the pool at 6:15. no one was there. like literally no one. we were the first team to get in the pool. the sun wasn't even up. we got to watch the sunrise from the pool. =______________=
by the time we finished warming up and checking in, THEN the other teams STARTED to arrive.

then I had to wait more than two hours for my turn to swim. Because it started with the 200 freelay and then 200 free and then 50 fly and THEN 100 free ._.
which I failed anyways, got a 1:04
I got a 1:03 at time trials. LIFETIME BEST TIME IN THAT ALGAE POOL OMQ. once get it and then never get it again wtf
long breaks in between suck lol I spent my time in the tent, eating chili, sleeping on Jeremy, and going to check what event/heat it was or the postings lul

100 breast! got 1:16.64 c: c: c: Cory was proud of meh. and people like Arushi and Chris Kim and Alisha and Nikki were standing at the other side cheering for me lol
Chris Kim apparently videoed my 100 breast LOL
"You swim breaststroke lopsided." was his comment hefal;dskfjlds I can't do anything about the fact that I look like a dying whale ;~;
lol here is the video but idk if you can see it if you're not like Chris' or Alisha's friend
do you hear them all like
hating on my breaststroke
ok I am beautiful

Jeremy got a 1:15.60 which he kept bugging me about beating me lul
and then I didn't want to swim the 400 freelay but Cory put me in it and so I had to swim it and I got a 1:06 wtf wtf wtf which I actually think was pretty good considering that I was cold and frozen and numb and tired out ._.

oh well De La Salle is ALL OVER MWHA;DFKDLSFJKDAFHAHHAA until next year.

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