Monday, March 26, 2012


Have I ever said how much I hate hyper dogs? Like, the little small ones that stare at you with their beady little hyper eyes and keep hopping around like little hyper monkeys on their little hyper legs and they bark at you with their little hyper mouths.
Like, "yipyipyip. yipyipyipyipyip? yipyipyipyip!" and they won't stop yipping. Their yipping is also in this high pitched, unbearably annoying hyper sharp little voice that just bites into your eardrums and you can't ignore it and they jump around you and hop around and are generally so hyper that all you want to do is pick them up and bring them to McDonald's and drop them into the deep fat fry fryer.
I think that it's a good thing I don't own a small hyper dog. Or any dog, in that instance.
I mean, if it were cute, and like a teddy bear dog, or a white toy Pomeranian maybe I could put up with some yipping, just because of the kawaii-ness. But maybe not. Forever cat person. Or a hamster person. I loved that hamster I had in third grade. Its name was Choco. He had red eyes. He bit my mother once. My dad was always threatening to put him in a frying pan and eat him for dinner. He was on his squeaking running circle wheel thing at odd hours of the night. He bit me whenever I tried to take him out of his cage. I loved him with all of my nine-year-old heart. And then he died at two years old, when his brown fur started turning grey. He had a nice life.
.......I think that when I grow old and wrinkled and gnarled, I'll get meself a cat. Or a white toy Pomeranian. 

look at this lovely face
Or cats because cats are nice just not Siamese cats or like those overly fluffy black cats that always hiss or scratch you. 
On second thought, I don't like getting scratched. Plus cats have hairballs.
Maybe I'll stick with fish.
But I think I'll pull a Mr. Cain.
So no fish.
Hmm........ no snakes. No tarantulas. creepycrawlieksjflkd;sjfal. No hermit crabs. No fish. No turtles. Actually, turtles freak me out LOOOOOOL I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY.
Horses pee too much.
Um......... turkeys.
No, then my father would be tempted to cook it.
.....I guess I'm not a pet person.
Right now I am waiting for my birthday, so I can blow out the candles on me cake. Actually right now I am drawing me cake on Pixlr. 
Here it is.
I spent alot of time on it.

yes, those are fireworks in the background.

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