Monday, March 5, 2012

differences of blogpinion

So there are two topics I guess I just want to ... talk about that have been bothering me. But since my posts are not known for their organization, I think I'll just have to ramble on and on until the point of all this has been ... realized.

please note that the following is simply my opinion and the way I see things and I am by no means disrespecting anyone else's opinion nor am I trying to point out particular blogs.
First of all, people are not going to stop making fun of you (or your blog) just because you want them to. Even if (actually, especially if) the people who are making fun of your blog are your friends. You can tell them to stop all you want, you can write angry blog posts about it all you want -- fact is that they still think it's funny. And really, I don't think that they see it the way you do (I am hypothesizing that this is the way you see it, by the way). You see your blog as a nice place for all your confessions, where you can just dump everything and hope not too many people see it. Of course, you still want people to read your blog: why else would you put your URL in your Gmail status? Just enough readers to feel loved, yet not too many that will simply troll and quote you at inopportune times.
See, here's the thing -- other people don't really think that way. Oh, here's a kid with really, really overdramatic (do you think they're overdramatic? probably not) posts and funny descriptions let's read it to each other in dramatic voices.
They don't really want to hurt you, and they're not mocking you. Not really. I think they're just mocking the style in which you write. Not the way you're hurting, or your unrequited loves (which are really quite common in high school, as they usually fade after three months), or you. Just the way you word your posts.
But you don't get that, of course. You just see it as people mocking you, you're already quite sensitive, people are natural trolls, and then this whole fiasco occurs where you're upset and you just keep getting more upset and what do you do when you're upset? write blog posts! and angry, overdramatic blog posts are like steak and wine to trolls.
Of course, I believe if you let your friends know that you don't like it when they make fun of you, that your blog posts mean a lot to you, they'll stop. Unless they're bad friends. In which case you have my full approval whenever you decide to emasculate them with titanium sporks.
And you could always go with the option of changing URLs or making a new blog, if the attention really gets to you. The fact that you haven't yet makes me wonder if you're really just making a big fuss about the whole thing.

Second, it's all very nice and well to say that it's okay for people to make jokes on your 'relaxed' posts, but have to take your 'serious' posts seriously. Yes, you are right in saying that most people read blogs for amusement. Most people (myself included) aren't going to read your posts all the way through because it's boring staring at lines and lines of text. Like, deadly boring. I guess it's because we're used to TV and Internet and Youtube and etc., where stuff is always jumping around for our attention, so unless it's about a subject that truly intrigues us, or a person that we're interested in, we don't pay that much attention.
Which is a fault on our part.
But you still can't really tell people when to make jokes and when not to.
I mean, if you want to spend three hours thinking up a blog post and researching and like writing your college application essay on your blog or something, that's fine. Do whatever you like. But trolls will be trolls, and trolls are nearsighted.
As for me, my posts are basically pictures of me, things I'm doing at the moment, some lame thing that I thought was witty at the moment, and other derpy stuff. And I'm proud of it.

wow that was like my first 'serious serious' blog post wow

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