Friday, March 2, 2012

texas feels like hong kong

Okay, so I'm guessing that all of you are expecting a big post about Texas and everything but really I'm just going to wait for all of the pictures to be uploaded first. And then I'll write about it. no actually I'm just too lazy to type up three day's worth of experiences. It wasn't even that good of an experience since we didn't have any time to go sightseeing (UNLIKE THE YOUNG MEN) because of rehearsals and concerts and interest sessions and steak lunches and all that crap. Souvenir shopping in the airports, yeah!
(click on all the photos to enlarge them and see my highly unphotogenic face in higher definition, WOOHOO)

Selena suggested that I spike my hair. Damn my swim tan! Creepy smiles
are my specialty. I think my eye bags add to the overall creepiness.

Tuesday, February 28th
  • I went to school that day but I left at lunch (and successfully skipped English and AP Music Theory, YES).
  • Got picked up by dad, picked up Jennifer (Mou) from school as well. Dropped her off and then went to CVS to buy Burt's Bees After Sun Soother (yes!) and Pond's Dry Skin Cream (double yes!).
  • Picked up Jennifer and Merry and went off to the SF airport.
  • got there half an hour before we were supposed to but like half of the choir was already there LOL WE'RE ALL SUCH OVERACHIEVERS
  • and then we went to get our boarding passes.
  • and then we went through security.
  • and then I got my liquids that didn't follow 3-1-1 policy through.
  • and then I got my large tube of toothpaste through as well.
the original creepy smile
  • walked around for a bit with Ivana and Jess because we had so much time
  • bought The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami :D
I look strange......... my thumb looks strange as well.................. that stray hair
is bothering me.
  • read six chapters instead of doing chem homework.
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • NOPE
  • and also bought a bag of 7-Up jelly beans. They were expensive.
yum yum in my tum tum
  • and then it was the plane time and I realized that I FORGOT MY EARPHONES at home 
  • /tear slides down cheek/
  • I was distraught.
  • Devastated.
  • Damaged.
  • Deranged.
  • /insert other synonyms that start with 'd'/
  • from now on, all photos are not mine: either Ivana's cellphone quality or Merry's expensive camera quality
  • by the time we got to the airport in Dallas it was quite late because of the two hour time difference
  • Texans seem to like lots of big metal structures because the Dallas airport was filled with them
Deborah, me, Ivana, Jess, and Dylan, from left to right. herpin' and derpin' like yeah.
  • we were gratified by the sight of two coach buses (bus 1 - soprano 1, alto 2, basses!) instead of last year's school buses.
  • and then we went to Sheraton Dallas and got our room assignments.
  • Room 3236 with Ivana, Jess, and Deborah! :D
Ivana, me, and Deborah from left to right. Yes, I wore those pajamas to Anaheim, two
years ago. Snoopy never goes out of style k.
  • then we got our cup ramens and bottles of water (necessities on choir trips) from the lao shi men and then we went to sleep. (THE BED/PILLOWS WERE TOO SOFT and I kept fidgeting and Ivana asked me why I slept like a fish)
Wednesday, February 29th
  • also known as MR. TYRONE CHO's birthday but I gave him his food and his birthday card the day before so that was all good
  • And morning call/breakfast was at 9 but since it was Texas time it was actually 7 in Cali time and we ended up going to sleep around 2:00 Texas time which is 12 Cali time (LATE FOR ME OK) and I was dead and I was dead and I was dead
  • blueberry muffin for breakfast!
  • then morning rehearsal for two hours from 9:30 to 11:30 -___-
  • our room was late because we were taking showers LOL 
  • luckily Ivana asked a hotel attendant where a huge group of Asian girls had went and she pointed us to the right way and we caught up just in time :D
lookit dis huge rehearsal room ehehehehe
  • and we basically did sectionals for an hour, then fine-tuned pieces for the next hour.
  • LUNCH!!!! at 12. spaghetti and salad and bread and butter (a Texas specialty, the butter is) and it was so good and I could have eaten more.
why is Ivana so photogenic :C meanwhile I'm just being my usual dead
tired self and derping in the right side of the photo meh ,_,
  • we got time to go back to the rooms and change back into 'uniform' 
  • as if people weren't already staring at us
  • lol lots of people were there for BPA (Business Professionals of America.......?) and they stared at us with undisguised ....... staring

  • well this is AMERICA
  • and if a group of Asians want to dress up in blue jeans and blue polo shirts and blue sweaters in 75 degree weather in Dallas, Texas
  • well then
  • /insert picture of a cellphone named 'freedom'
  • oh does no one get it 
  • except Ms. Pei Wen Hua
  • oh
  • ok
I actually have no idea what I'm doing or what kind of expression is on my face but yeah
we're walking back to our rooms.....
  • and then stage rehearsal!!!
  • we walked to the Majestic Theater about a block away from the hotel.
  • and we blocked traffic.
  • and jaywalked.
When waiting..... must camwhore!!! and I look so bad omg it is the heat I tell you. 
Ivana, Jess, and I.
  • And the outside of the theatre looked like crap but the inside was nice.
so much red velvet
tada!!! from stage view :D
  • and the backstage and dressing rooms also looked like crap LOL 
  • but I guess it's what the audience sees that's important
  • then we went and practiced changing from black performance dress to multicolored Chinese costume -___- 
  • because during our program, we have a set change where we must change in under two minutes.
  • then we went and ate dinner
  • and then we went and walked back to the Majestic Theatre AGAIN
ignore my fail attempt at putting on makeup.......
  • and then we warmed up and we got our red capes and red hair things (no pics because we couldn't bring our things into the warm-up room :c)
  • and got a standing ovation for "Prayer of the Children". Hah.
  • then we got off stage and went into the audience and listened to The Vocal Majority and my favorite song of theirs was "Jericho". It was fabulous. They got several standing ovations.
  • then it was intermission and welp more time for camwhoring!
  • but I'm not going to post any at this time because I look like Samara (minus the greasy hair) in all of them I swear it's the lighting I am not actually that creepy
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • .___.
SEE?! don't tell me I didn't warn you.
  • Then we listened to Street Corner Symphony (live because they were invited to the same concert as we were performing and they performed after us), and gosh they are good.
  • multiple eargasms.
  • mm. (<-- favorite song here)
  • at one point they asked for volunteers and Gene went on stage and really outsang himself and the entire choir started fangirl cheering for him LOOOOL
  • and then they got like standing ovations for every song and got encored back
  • then we ran downstairs after the concert 
  • like all of us
  • take a moment to appreciate that for a second.
  • there are eighty asian high schoolers in black evening gowns flat-out running at you.
  • yeah. I'd be scared too.
  • anyways, we then basically bought them out of CDs
  • and then we got pictures with them (damnit, lao shi men! upload the pictures!!!!) and then we also got our CDs signed :D :D :D :D :D 
  • me, Ivana, and Jess all got our CDs signed by all six members
  • :D
  • :D :D :D :D :D :D

I look horrible in this picture but that's okay I love you Street Corner Symphony
the glory of those signatures mm
yeah k that's all for today

Thursday, March 1st
  • I do believe the quality of my blogging has gone down since the beginning of this post
  • how do you do it, bloggers with super long posts
  • how do you do it
  • how do you remain sane
  • staring at those lines of text
  • those
  • never 
  • ending
  • lines 
  • of text
  • :c
  • Anyways.... we woke up, we did our interest session, to which around forty people came, we gave out free CDs and music sheets (which I believe broke several copyright laws right there...........)
  • and then we went to an all-you-can-eat steakhouse
  • and
  • it was meat heaven.
meat! and possibly blood sauce! and mashed potatoes!
these are fried bananas, covered with sugar and cinnamon. I am utterly serious.
me eating it, after I licked the sugar off. mm. licking bananas. good stuff. people at my
table got mad at me for licking the banana.
  • and then we got on the bus
  • and then we went to the airport
  • and on the way we saw the white 'x's on the ground where JFK was assassinated
  • and that was the extent of our sightseeing
  • and then we went through security
  • and then we went souvenir shopping in the ultra-expensive shops
  • and then I bought a highly inappropriate postcard (I would show you a picture but I've already given it away)
  • and then we got on the plane
  • and now I'm back.
  • and dead and tired.
  • I'll update with more photos when the lao shi men upload the photos.
  • wow that was an anticlimactic ending.
  • Well. 
  • for lack of a better ending,
Good night!
so all in all that was a pretty shitty blog post but whatever I've spent too much time on this thing anyways and my parents are going 'nyeh nyeh' at me and I kind of want to sleep right now because I'm dead and tired and gone and yeah this is not an amused face good night
and if you didn't go listen to all my SCS links that I linked up there I will go find you
and track you down
using all the information I get from page views
and I will emasculate you
with a spork

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