- wear fancy dresses at home
- wear makeup at home, and stay at home
- never go out with makeup on
- dress like a slob in public
- get home from school, eat ALL the food in the house
- drink lots of water
- drink lots and lots of water
- eat Honey Bunches of Oats
- download pictures of hot Korean pop stars onto my phone
- illegally download K-Pop songs
- fangirl mode
- put in as many "WongFu4Lyf3" references into daily conversation as possible
swimloljkwhoamIkiddingIHATESWIMMING- wear brightly colored bandaids
- take
MarkTyrone's Chewy bars - when there's no math homework
- new skincare products
that probably cost me a bundle but whatever - anything from LUSH
- answer questions from Anons on Tumblr
- change my Tumblr theme at least once a month because I get tired of the old ones really fast
- puns
- puns
- puns
- punny puns
- relephant puns
- puns puns puns
- cute people/things/stuff/clothes/ulzzangs
- lame jokes
- lame pickup lines
- people with nice voices
- a capella groups who don't go out of tune
- people who let me sit on their lap
- people who give nice hugs
- nice hugs
- hugs
- that are nice
- yeah.
- Hans Zimmer's music/soundtracks (check out his Inception, Sherlock Holmes soundtracks<3)
- Spirited Away
- Studio Ghibli films
- PURIKURA<3<3<3
- the smell of freshly mowed grass/lawns
- pictures of attractive people smoking
- good haircuts
- getting your hair washed by someone else
- Mean Girls quotes
- selcas that come out nice
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