Thursday, June 28, 2012


the best part of Elite is during breaks and afterwards.
today I woke up with terrible bedhead. and I was trying to fix it. but it was just getting worse. and then I was like screw it I give up

also I forgot to put on bb cream today LOL so basically went out bare faced... still surprisingly looks good o__o skin's not red, pimples don't show much so yey^^
I thought it didn't look too bad but apparently it was so remarkably bad that Mark made several remarks about it
(don’t shoot me he actually did and I like making Mark puns ok they literally make themselves)

“your hair looks a lot neater during school… it’s like pointing in five different directions today”
well too bad I don’t like making myself pretty for SAT class

plus Mark is the only one I take this crap from because he give me food
lolno that's not true I take this crap from like all my best friends
someone said I'm a pushover
....maybe I am so
and during breaks I also went to see Cynthia's classroom and hang out with Carol and stuff<3 ALSO reconnected with Lucy, I haven't seen her in... forever. We used to go to the same church :o
also there is a cute guy in their class lol same cute guy I've mentioned in previous posts ugh he is so cute and skinny why do I like skinny guys

after Elite me Cynthia and Selena went to Starbucks
me and Selena got grande green tea frappucinos^^

dude whenever I smile my cheekbones make weird bumps on my face
 twinsies drinks + Cynthia's java chip #nonconformingcynthia

she went and got Subway.
and then I walked home and made this useless post

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


(choir stuff and Youth 7 is the highest level in my choir and I'm just so happy because I MADE IT even though for our audition there was supposed to be two people per group singing so you weren't the only one in your part but they made me solo my part so yeah I had to sing up high really high notes BUT I MADE IT HFJSDK;JAKDLJ YESSSSSSSs)


had the most excruciating cramps during writing portion of Elite
for the entire one and a half hour I was like hunched over my desk screaming silently
it was bad
I want to be a man now.
Well... men can't dress as nicely as girls do. Otherwise, they're labled as "gay".
Once my gay friend told me "Well yeah, of course gay guys dress well. What do you think we do spending all that time in the closet?"
I laughed.
For like ten minutes.

But guys are sooooo skinny. Summer goal: lose enough weight so that my cheekbones stand out and my collarbones stand out even more.
......I just ate a whole bunch of chocolate so
I'll get there.

outfit that I threw together this morning! Forever21 grey cardigan, Forever21 blue loose v-neck (it was on sale for five bucks in the buy 1 get 1 pile lol), Forever21 fake denim shorts (they're waaaay too comfy to be real denim), Forever21 brown studded belt (it's way too big -_____- I've cinched it all the way in and it's still too big lol. And it's size small too o.o)
Wow. I just ... wow. First outfit that is completely Forever21.

Also I have really weirdly shaped thighs I don't know why this makes me sad WAE CAN'T MY LEGS LOOK GOOD

workin' on dat shmile

I was bored during Elite (when not in excruciating [ELITE VOCAB WORD] pain) so that's "LET FREEDOM RING and 'MMMERICA and HOME OF THE BRAVE and BALD EAGLES" you see on my hand there
written using an Elite pen.

Also I want to dye my hair (sort of). If not I can just wait till all the black dye finally fades and my naturally highlighted (chlorine fried) hair come back because that's kinda pretty too.
If I do dye my hair it'll either be Palty Ganache Tart

basically generic Asian brown hair
or Palty Jewelry Ash

which looks grey here but it says on the box that it'll only turn grey if you dye it from blonde. And if you dye it from black/brown it'll have this dark purplish tone that I think is pretty.
Lately lots of people have been dying their hair lilac and I really don't like lilac lol
hmmmm. TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DYE MY HAIR ;~; /can't make decisions /is shot

Monday, June 25, 2012

lol dry land

For you non-swimming types, "dry land" is what we swimmers call on land workouts.
Dry land on Mondays are best because it's basically me, Arushi, and Vivian and Justin Lau. (Sometimes Alisha but she didn't come today). And since there's no real workout with real instructor peoples (like on Wednesdays we actually have a biking dry land thing) we usually just run on treadmills.
Well Arushi got the bright idea that we should run to Verde and get tea and come back LOL. And since me and Vivian were so tired of running on treadmills all the time we agreed. Vivian had money haha. We went and asked if her brother (Justin) wanted to come too and he was like yeah so we went. He was like our running leader LOL despite the fact that we're all older than him he's taller than all of us ._____.
Then we ran to Verde.
Got there all sweaty and gross HAH
Finally decided to order and Justin and Arushi were arguing over who should order looool finally Arushi ordered since none of us had been to Verde before :P
Lychee milk tea! Yum yum in my tum tum<3 but we got cheated sooo many times in half an hour lol. That's another thing: it took us twenty minutes to run there from Clubsport and thirty to get our teas .-.
so first when Arushi was ordering she said lychee milk tea with no pearls (mine), her drink, and then Justin/Vivian's drink (a large jasmine milk tea with pearls) and she pointed to the "large" cup on the wall. And then she paid with a ten and a five ($10.01) because we didn't have pennies or one dollar bills lol. The cashier gave her back 99 cents and then was like oh you gave me $11.
Then Justin and Arushi had a little dispute with the cashier and the other drink girl LOL but they were like nope nope nope
finally when we got our drinks they didn't give us a large jasmine milk tea. And they were like "OHO YOU DIDN'T SAY LARGE OHOHOO"
and then the manager came over and finally gave us a free drink haha but we still paid four dollars extra .__. and the "jasmine milk tea" was lychee milk tea LOOOL
first time going to Verde, never going back there again hahaha
And then when we were walking back Justin was all "I gotta pee". And then he went behind a bush, despite the fact that there was a gas station thirty seconds away. And an open window next to the bush LOOOL
Theory: The cashiers at Verde cheated us because Arushi looks black/Mexican. Not even joking haha
Then we got back and talked to Mark and yeah. We tell Mark everything. Why.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

shopping haul

hi guise, I'm not dead yet.
I'm just really tired and lately been in a non-blogging mood (SEASON FINALE FOR KORRA WAS YESTERDAY MAN ALL THE FEELS)
and lazy
and Elite-occupied lol.

clearly this post is supposed to go in my other "vanity blog" but I kind of don't want to make it all complicated and have two different blogs because I have like five different Tumblrs right now lol.
but I also don't want to delete the other blog because it had nice hallmark posts like when I dyed my hair tangerine.
actually, the only reason I'm blogging about this at all is because I was coerced into it by Trisha so here you go.
(the mandatory selcas, first)

Bought this robot shirt thing from Taiwan last summer and it has been the source of many awkward comments (cough Shehzad and Caleb cough) because of the odd double layer shirt front thing.
The double layer neckline does not mean that I have two shirts. Please do not pull open the first layer and look inside my shirt. (what a harrowing experience)

 me trying to be duh secksy (kudos to you if you recognize the kpop related quote!)

me cracking up because I am not duh secksy in any way

OOTD: robot shirt from Taiwan, shorts from Forever21 (bought on Friday; part of shopping haul)
they were so nice and I've been looking for them forever(21) and sooooo comfortable and stretchy lol. I'm a size 25 and these were in size 25 but I seriously think I could have bought a size 23 or 24 and they'd still fit because they were so comfy.

They're actually not that short they just look really short because my shirt is so long.

Also from Forever21..... BELTS!
Only from Forever21 (favorite store ok) can you get three really cute belts for $4.50 @__@

my nails are stubby boo

yes a cream v-neck because I like v-necks and I can't get enough of them

Went to 1st Impression and got this dress!
For those of you who haven't been there before, they sell very kawaii Asian-cute clothes. <3

It's like a pinafore type dress lol.
And yeah that's not a stain on the dress it's just a wrinkle that got colored funny by my webcam o__o

I want to be cute too.
Okay yeah I need to review my 250 words for tomorrow and I don't really want to blog anymore either so bye.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today I just felt like styling my hair a little lol. Didn’t do it in the morning because ew, who wants to spend time trying to look good just for Elite. (lol I got a 1960 on the first diagnostic test, the exact same score as the diagnostic test I took four months ago .__.) Also Jeremy texted me in the middle of class with pictures saying that he gelled his hair LOL.
Personally, I prefer the volumized look, not the spiky hard gelled up thing. Maybe seeing too many cute Korean guys’ hairstyles have ruined me D:
So here’s my transformation from flat to POOF

I like sticking out my tongue

in pictures.
Now excuse me for three minutes while I go poof up my hair...

Gatsby the magic moving rubber

Actually this picture is really creepy

See volume is good. Well, it looks better, anyways. Mkay I want to go watch more episodes of Community study my Elite vocab words so gbye.

Monday, June 18, 2012

ELITE =___=

Today was the first day of Elite and yes we took a diagnostic test, just like every Monday from now on :c for eight weeks :C
There's hella people there lol. All the rooms are named after a prestigious university/college and there's like fifteen different classrooms and around 20-30 people in each one. I knew people from Logan LOL but majority is probably Mission. A looooooot of Mission people. Young, Flora, Mark, Meena, Jennifer Yin, other people I don't really talk to, etc....
They gave us a backpack. And a binder. For free. Oh wait, it's not free. We paid $2400 for that. And yes I see the irony in $2400 .___.
Just graded my test because I have the answer sheet and the test packet even though they have my scantron bubble thing I also put my answers on my test like they said I should. And lol it's not very pretty ;~;
Oh well I'll see what I have to do about the test corrections thing later. NOW IT'S TIME FOR VOCAB :C :C :C

My fingers look really weird. Well anyways, in these two torture boxes are 2,000 vocabulary words. And I'm supposed to memorize 25 from each box today. That's 50 (in case you can't add). There's a quiz tomorrow and if I don't get 90% that's considered a fail and then I have to take a second make-up quiz and if I fail THAT I get a demerit. Three demerits and I get kicked out of boot camp WITHOUT A REFUND. =______=;

Anyways, all we did today was the test thing. We got out at 12:30. Walked to Mission Burger with people, got picked up by mom. Then she wanted to "teach me how to walk home" o___o so we left her car at Mission Burger. And walked home. ...
Got sister. Walked back to her car.............. went to the Tea Island in Marina and got watermelon icy^^ (there's a cute tomboy there with a really neat fringe) and then Subway, yum yums. Finally went back to the Marina plaza and got a haircut c:

The back is loads shorter though. And you can see my hair growing out from the freakishly black dye.

Gratuitous pics of myself just cuz.
And now I'm going to study my vocab and try not to think about EXO because they're too hot
and later going to ClubSport for dry land :P

Friday, June 15, 2012

likes to sip warm milk in the middle of June
has goosebumps in a room with a closed door
pulls funny faces in the mirror by herself
sends a bunch of photographs to someone she's never met
and shouts so loud but no one's listening.

slouches down in his seat
on the deserted subway
and checks his reflection in the glass
cheekbones highlighted by unforgiving fluorescent
and crooks his straightened hat.

isn't a writer (far from it)
but she's met this amazing perfect beautiful boy
and there's a leftover warm glow in her chest
so she writes line after line of bad poetry
it goes out before she can capture it.

is in love with a stranger.
sits in his room all day
sprawled over his bed
re-reading the letter that she sent
to the wrong address.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

so bored

I don't feel like blogging but I guess since I did go shopping yesterday and today's the first day of summer I'm kind of obligated to do so. .__.
Also, a few days ago my blog reached the 5,000 views mark. I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad that you guys stalk my blog so much...

Anyways. Last day of school yesterday and I decided to dress like a boy.

People insisted on taking pictures with me... so I'm only interesting when I look male?

After school me, Louisa, Trisha, and Cynthia went to Great Mall and kind of derped around for five hours lol.
[obligatory pictures]

Louisa's so qute

I really don't know why we aren't signed with any modeling agencies yet


I went and got my hat from Zumiez. It was only $20 c: c: c:

Patented Louisa pose.

And then..... 

There was this big box thing with a "75% off" sign on top and well bottles of lotion that used to be $11 were now $2.75.
So I paid 8 bucks for two big bottles of lotion and one bottle of hand cream. <3

And yeah... that was a short haul. Lol there wasn't anything that I really wanted to buy, besides my hat. Hat splurge. And it's cute c: Cuter than other hyped up brands like "diamond" or "OBEY" or "stussy" okay.

On to today. ....Woke up at 10:30, went for a walk, then to Trisha's house to eat hummus chips, play melee, and talk about cute Korean popstars. Then got back home at like 1. Ate instant noodles for lunch. YAY DIET BREAKERS! 
Now I'm tired who cares about blogging bye.