Sunday, September 30, 2012

the sugoi life

delayed post for #throwbackthursday yes I know it's Sunday well shit man it can be #throwbacksunday if I want it to be it's my blog
you know what it's not going to be #throwbacksunday because
it's going to be
all these pictures are from the last day of school/shopping afterwards

from Selena's Instagram. i really like this picture

from Trisha's Instagram. isn't Louisa pretty... of course, now she has fob hair hah

from Kimi's camera

Selena's camera has this cool selca function

this allows us to fit four intended people and three photobombers

Pei Wen is too kawaii~!~!~~~!!!!!one!~1~

as for me, i didn't choose the sugoi life IT  CHOSE ME

damn, Alicia's still taller -- ALL HAIL CHANGDICTATOR


Selena's camera's "beauty" function doesn't work on me

da thuglyf3

it's me and my wife

it's me and "Erer" LOL HI RICHARD

it's me and my trusty hat

during shopping, from Trisha's Instagram

from Joanne's camera, whoa just noticed Jonathan's photobomb, wow, okay, not cool

from Kimi's camera, wearing Jeremy's hat, with Jeremy


i am a straight faced pretty korean boy k

this picture epitomizes the relationship me and Selena have together
Alright that's all. #lazyblogging

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today I was sleeping in orchestra because I was really tired and Kraft was like "where's that smiling, bubbly girl, Janis?"
I attributed the loss of smiles and bubbles to the lack of food. Although that's not entirely true. I have been overeating (eating even more than I usually do, and that's a lot, like 25,000+ calories per day) and apparently (I Wiki'd it, must be true) it's due to lack of sleep. But I get like a full 6 hours of sleep every day. Gah. Halp.

I need to start carrying around a notebook like one of those ~*~h1pst3r~*~ writers on Tumblr because every time I think of this amazing start to a Kaisoo fic (I dunno why it's always Kaisoo... maybe because Kai is a wonderful muse and such a flexible character to work with and just a perfect human being in general?)
Ugh. Must learn from changdictator or paradisist. Go click on the links and read some fics (please?) because even though you might not be interested in Kaisoo or EXO or K-pop or slash (guyxguy) fics in general, it's beautiful writing and lovely feel-inducing heartwrenching inspiration. I cried buckets, especially reading changdictator's fics. Paradisist is more of a !mindfuck read.
Anyways... I have done my best with the ficlet/drabble down below.
Here's a picture of Kim-fucking-Jongin (stage name: Kai) for reference. And perfection.

Have another, because neck!porn.

Also for future reference, this is Do Kyungsoo (stage name: D.O.)

He has pretty big eyes.

title: dépaysement (1/?)
pairing: kaisoo
rating: pg-15
genre: au, romance
length: (??? probably short. there's only so much I can write before I end up killing myself because it won't come out the way I want it to.)
summary: Kyungsoo's a fashion director, Jongin's an ex-dancer. They're both in Hong Kong: Kyungsoo to scout for new models to open his show, Jongin to d.o. (hahaha) something with his life.
a/n: reading so much great kaisoo fanfiction made my feels overflow and I had to write even though my writing's pretty crappy compared to the greats (changdictator and paradisist, anyone?) so HERE YOU GO
also updates might be pretty slow/about the same length as this (I can't churn out 12k monster fics ok) so OTL please read and comment? :3

Jongin feels alone -- alone in this warm (humid, smothering) bustling city that never sleeps (never dies), alone in his rented one-bedroom apartment that feels too grim with all of the blank walls staring back at him.

Go travel, Baekhyun had said, looking up at him with a searching look in his eyes. Get away from Seoul for a bit, yeah? And don't beat yourself up about it. It's not your fault.
It's not your fault.
Jongin leans against the rusty black railing outside of his apartment complex and takes another long, slow drag from his cigarette. Flicking the ash off the smoldering tip, he exhales slowly, letting the smoke form a haze around his head. Hong Kong's beautiful, if you stay within the neon lighted malls and stick to the tourist itinerary, all glass skyscrapers and giggling schoolgirls and East-meets-West.
Jongin doesn't want to be a tourist. He wants to be back in Seoul with Lu Han and Se Hun and be somewhere he actually belongs, not smoking out the rest of his life in some city where he can't even understand what anyone's saying.
Although if he has to stay here (here meaning anywhere but Seoul) any longer, he'll pick a tall building at random and the rest of his life will admittedly be very short.
Crushing the half-smoked cigarette underneath his heel, he turns to go back inside. He flicks his eyes up and suddenly catches and holds another boy's wide eyed gaze: the kind that looks innocent, sort of like how a fox looks innocent with bloody chicken feathers around its mouth.
"Yes?" he ventures, rather hesitantly, until he remembers that he's not in Korea anymore and this is fucking Hong Kong, where they speak fucking Cantonese, which sounds like they're fucking yelling at each other all the time-- "Oh!" the boy's eyes widen even more (How is that even possible, he almost looks like he's possessed, Jongin muses) as the corners of his mouth push upwards. "You're Korean, too! I thought you might be, since I overheard you working out the lease contract with the landlord--" Jongin winced. The contract had taken an hour and almost all of the landlord's patience, Jongin's faltering attempts at Cantonese and natural shyness turning him back into the incoherent, bumbling schoolboy that he thought he'd left behind four years ago.
"Uh..." the boy had stopped talking and was now looking at him with undisguised curiosity. "...yeah," Jongin manages to get out, vaguely wishing he hadn't put out his cigarette so soon. It was too early in the morning to be dealing with other people without some sort of screen in between.
"So... what's your name?" The boy's wide eyes scan quickly across his face, tracing the slope of his nose and dipping into the hollows in his cheeks. A light pink tongue darts out to swipe nervously at his lips. Jongin almost smirks at this openly unashamed inspection but holds the sudden impulse back and answers, "Kai."
"I'm Kyungsoo," the other replies, and gives him another once-over with those huge eyes, dipping his head slightly and then bouncing back up, meeting his gaze again and holding it until Jongin finally looks away first. Kyungsoo's eyes have the same effect that his dance instructor's had had on him, cutting through all the green envy and bullshit and false bravado and seeing Jongin as Jongin, not Kai, the charismatic stage persona, or Kai, the one who didn't know when to stop and screwed up his one chance of making it big.
Jongin's lost in thought when he realizes that he's been staring at Kyungsoo the entire time, an awkward silence stretching between them like endless transparent panes of glass, and stops. He bows slightly in response to questioning eyes, cheeks now lightly dusted with a faint blush, and tries to think of something to say that isn't utterly inane.
"I'll see you around, I guess...?" Kyungsoo finally ventures, pulling out a pen from nowhere. "Here." and he grabs Jongin's hand (Jongin flinches a little, Kyungsoo's hand is almost abnormally hot) and scribbles his number, eight sharp digits stained black against icy skin.
"If you ever want to go out and grab a bite or something. I'm sure it looks nice and all, subsisting on a diet of cigarettes and coffee, like you're living in old black and white photos, but skeleton isn't very in at the moment. You know. Or, I guess, probably not." Takes another look at Jongin's black jeans, black shirt, smoke stained fingers.
"And if you ever want to just talk to someone in a language you can actually converse in without making a fool of yourself," he finishes, and with a cheeky smile and one last long, searching glance that pulls Jongin apart, Kyungsoo walks away in the opposite direction.


Yes, I'm planning to either kill off Kyungsoo or have them not be together at the end lol. I love writing sad!fics but must have a happy!ending if I'm reading a good fic otherwise I'll cry buckets. Anyways... feedback pl0x? It'll make me very happy c: c: c:
Also looking for a nice beta haha. To keep me sane :/ and I started a livejournal HERE.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

how does it feel to cut i wonder
i imagine it to be bravery of a sort
bravery? maybe you just have to really like art to truly appreciate red
art or bravery or whatever it is (i was never good at this -- describing what i feel? [okay, i was never good at anything] so bear with me) and forgive me if i don't seem very good at this either
maybe i can finally be good at one thing. feeling sorry for myself feeling red feeling sharp happiness. oh wait, that's more than one thing (i was never good at math either)
who do you want me to be why do you want me to be this perfect being with perfect grades with perfect thoughts
i have perfect thoughts the ones in which (elite taught me well, grammar lessons for twenty four hundred dollars, what a shame, stupid daughter) i don't wake up and everyone is happy because there's one more stupid foolish girl is dead
hip hip hooray
i have perfect thoughts in which i am drowning in your bathtub (there's your swimming champion, varsity girl, JO times, lifeguard)
i have perfect thoughts in which i am reclining rather comfortably with an A carved into in my throat forehead wrists (hello mother there's your perfect math test, perfect history test, perfect psych test, perfect english test, no silly little minuses to take away from those shiny bright red A A A A isn't there)
i have perfect thoughts in which you are screaming and i am laughing because it's hurting so much and it feels good because all i feel right now is nothing
you think you scream when you feel pain
dare i try it? there's a razor in the bathroom shower (for shaving and cutting [IT'S ACROSS THE STREET, NOT DOWN THE RIVER] wouldn't want to die before the final act, would we, darlings? no.)
i have perfect thoughts in which look at me now, mommy! look, look, are you proud of my new artwork? we learned about primary colors -- what's important in life, what to focus on, how nothing matters if you can't scrape up that A
do you want to see what i made in class today?
the teacher liked my work! she said i did a wonderful job!
and then i show her my wrists with proud delight and look, a row of seven little A's on each wrist and look, mommy, four point oh!

aren't you ever so proud of me?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

how to cut flowerboy hair

It's a damn hassle, I'll tell you that. I neglected my weekly trim for about a month and I became a shaggy flower boy :C
well, mostly because I couldn't decide whether I wanted to grow it out or keep it flowerboy-ish.
In the end, the inner flower in me won.
just watch the video I know someone was asking me how I cut my hair here it is even though I already made a video like this on Youtube here you go Anon dear
Also, I like Skrillex. And I make a variety of creepy facial expressions during this video.

(the main focus of my cutting was the back of my head, where I'd accumulated a glob of weird hair clumping. so I attacked it at the point of greatest clumping. There's literally no difference in the front because I didn't cut my bangs in this video. That was last video. This was.... showing people how to avoid clumping because it looks really bad from the back LOL

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

yey more tunes

Instead of reading Psych or finishing my Bio guided reading or doing history homework I am going to blog about my favorite Youtube artists because I feel that some people still don't know these people and that is a terrible thing.
So here we are.
Oh, btw if you follow me on Twitter (or if you read this blog or my Tumblr since I linked my Twitter there anyways haha) you'd see that I've been pretty much livetweeting about watching TTBY, or "To The Beautiful You", the Korean (SM, basically) adaptation of "Hana Kimi", this Japanese manga that's already had multiple Japanese/Taiwanese versions. And there's a few songs that I really like from the OST (soundtrack) so I'm going to link those three here too. Even if you don't like Korean pop, just take a listen to these songs because I really like them even though yes, the entire drama is basically an SMEntertainment advertisement.

Stand Up - J-min
basically the theme song for Tae Joon (I believe, since it usually plays when he's high jumping lol)

It's Me - Sunny (SNSD) and Luna (f(x))
usually don't like such cutesy voices like Sunny's, but here their voices blend very nicely and it's so cute omq.

Closer - Taeyeon (SNSD)
because Taeyeon's voice is so pure and so beautiful and so nice and she's the OST queen tbh

Okay okay, no more Korean songs. Was that so hard? Now there's two Youtube artists that tie for 'best' in my mind but since one's male and one's female I guess it might be hard to compare them? Oh well haha. Ladies first, then.
I'll also name my favorite cover of theirs and favorite original song (if they have one).

Favorite 5 Youtube artists (in order)

1. Clara C -her voice is so pure and so nice and so ....wonderful.

So Close/Toxic (Alex Clare/Britney Spears cover/mash-up) - no words for how lovely this cover is.

Fish (original song) - the lyrics are so sweet. and so's the video: Harry Shum Jr.!

2. Sam Tsui -because he's talented and his voice is just plain powerful.

One More Night (Maroon 5 Cover) - apparently it was done in one take and that's amazing because this song is amazing and amazingly hard

Start Again (original song) - I like it better than "Don't Want An Ending" but both are nice, haha. Still think he sounds best covering other people's songs for some reason though.

3. Jason Chen - for some reason there's quite a few people who don't like him... I don't see why.

As Long As You Love Me (Justin Bieber cover) - don't hate just because it's JBiebs lol. IT'S STILL FANTABULOUS BECAUSE JASON'S FANTABULOUS

In A Moment - covered by Jason Chen and Sharon Kwan

Best Friend (original song) - I prefer the Chinese version haha.

4. Sungha Jung - most amazing guitarist I've ever seen. (fingerstyle? something.... but he's just amazing)

I'm Yours (Jason Mraz cover)

Misty Memories (original song) -I have his album as a playlist and it makes me feel good at 2AM when I'm doing homework.

5. Megan Lee - she's only 16 but she already has quite a nice voice

Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift cover)

Destiny (original song) -I think she's in Korea right now to ... work on her music? idk man haha

Alright really my homework pile is starting to look a bit daunting and I have swim practice at 7. See you poops later.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Normally, this post would be on my other 'vanity' blog, but I think there's been too many serious posts on this one (two is one more than enough) so here have a look at my Forever21 wardrobe lol

but first pics of me, wow my lips look puffy
Hi guys. How have y'all been doing (typed that while hearing KevJumba's voice in my head haha). I know you guys read my blog LOL because I keep getting anon questions about my blog posts so.
Also whoever used to love reading my blog on his/her iPad/iTouch stopped. Okay, I see how it is :c

I need a haircut but lately I've been trying this thing where I trim my left side and let the right side grow longer. That's what Ani from Tumblr (who I believe has the most gorgeous skin/hair ever) did before she got the whole bob cut thing.
Here's a picture in case you were too lazy to click the link (which you probably were, don't try denying it).

she can be both a girl and a man. *jealous*
and that's another reason why I like her lol. *inspiration5lyf3 k*
she's just
gorgeous tbh ugh

ugh why are you so beautiful
srsly can i just be you
how are you real
So this is just turning into an Ani appreciation post but seriously just h o w

I'm sad now. But yeah... here's the right side of my head. The nasty black dye is fading away (finally lol) and you can see how it's turning brownish again. I really didn't rebleach my hair, the dye just faded o.o

Anyways, OOTD: navy cardigan from Forever21, owl shirt from YesStyle, grey skinnies from Pacsun

Time to study for CPUSH test tomorrow. I never listen to what Jeffers says (his voice is so easy to tune out) and just read ahead/take notes haha. Also Arthur came up to me on Friday (we have Elite continuation together) and said that he saw my 'pages and pages of notes'. What can I say, I'm a compulsive note-taker.
Okay. Toodles.

Friday, September 14, 2012

football players

A/N: Yes, I got a little mad here. So if you don't like rants/like football players, don't read.

Two different things I want to address here. And both concern football players and being a girl.
So, first issue. It's pretty much common knowledge that there is a freshman girl on the football team. She's white, dresses/looks like a guy, and isn't stick skinny like a lot of the girls at Mission. Okay... it's not like I care very much because Mission's football team sucks dick, and it's not like there's rules against girls on the team. It's people that are judging her for it that bothers me. It's her life, okay? She wants to dress like a guy, cut her hair short, sure! Why not? I cut my hair short. I like to dress like a male sometimes. Like today. And I'm straight. Let's try to get this simple little lesson into our heads, stupid children. Let's try to look past stereotypes. Tomboys do not equal lesbians. Lesbians do not equal tomboys.

More about that later.
Anyways, a lot of people are going 'wooow, there's a giiiiirl on the football team' like it's a huge deal or she's crossed some sort of boundary or whatever. She's a big girl (as in age, not body, but it's probably a good thing she's not a stick because lol football), I'm sure she can handle making that decision. Who are you to make judging comments because she likes football and goes out for the team? Just because the lot of you would snap like twigs if you got tackled? Making disparaging comments about her choices/sexual orientation doesn't make you better than she is. The lot of you make me sick sometimes.
That being said, I really don't like football players because of the fact that a lot of them are dicks (not that I know them personally, but I kind of don't want to get to know them) and they're tall, more-buff-than-the-average-skinny-Asian dicks.
Today there was a fire drill at Mission and when we were walking back (we meaning me + orch dudes; Calvin, Richard, Mark) and I was dressed like this with my hood up because it was cold.

And I guess I was kind of walking masculinely because I was wearing those harem pants, but I was also wearing strawberry patterned Vans, okay. My shoe size is a 5.5-6. I'm also 5'4".
.....So, these three or four football players (Mark said they were juniors) were walking behind us and I was talking to Mark (and I don't think I have a very low voice ... I'm a soprano for god's sake) and then one of the football players hit my back with ... something, I don't know, but they just hit my back really hard.
And then I turned around at the same time one of the players exclaimed, like an idiot, "It's a girl!" so I stared at them because they were idiots. Wow, you figured out that I'm a girl! Congratulations! Do you want a medal or something?

And then another one muttered (not quietly enough): "You hit her back."
And instead of apologizing for hitting me in the back, they said "oh, there was a fly on your back."
There was no meriting that idiocy with a response, so I just threw them another "you are fucking idiots" look and they kept saying that there was a fly on my back.
Is brawn inversely proportional to brains? I don't know, but this experience has greatly confirmed that theory, at least in football players' cases.
I also don't know why this experience made me sort of mad. If I were a guy, would that make it okay to hit me in the back and not apologize? For that matter, you figured out that I was a girl. Great, that fact finally made it to your tiny little brains. In your cultures, when you hit girls, is it socially acceptable to pretend that there were flies on whatever part of the girl's body that you hit?
.....Great. Now I'm actually mad.
Lesson of the day: some football players at Mission are really fucking rude.
Oh, wait. I already knew that though.

Have a nice day, everyone. And for girls, I hope that none of you will be unfortunate enough to get smacked in the back (pretty hard, if I got bruised easily it would be bruised) by dicks and then not even get an apology. And if you're a boy, I hope that none of you ever hear the words "It's a boy!!1!!1one!!1!" from a football player's mouth.
If you're a football player that happens to be not a dick, then this post doesn't apply to you.
But I still hope you don't go around hitting girls' backs.
Oh yes, and we started the Fruit Fly Lab in Neilson today.
Neilson is an incompetent b*%#@.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

le music

I have found a new love for French songs. They're so beautiful. ....Or maybe just for Coeur de Pirate. Stumbled upon one of her songs while listening to my 'Regina Spektor station' (who's also spectacular and definitely one of my favorite female singers) and just fell in love. I don't know whether it's the slightly haunting, beautiful melodies or the slightly throaty, beautiful voice or the lovely, beautiful French language itself but add all three together and it makes ... beauty.
It also makes me a little sad listening to her sing but I don't know why. Some people have trouble listening to music in other languages. That's a major reason why some people dislike K-pop, in fact. Music is music. If sung/played right, it shouldn't matter whether the artist is French or Korean or Chinese or British (especially love their accents, though) or African, right? So it's the same when I'm listening to a song in a language I don't understand (sometimes even in Chinese I don't understand, ;~~; such a fail Asian) I can listen to the melody and ... it feels nice. I don't have to understand the lyrics. But for those people that must find some reason to hate K-pop, that's what Eng-subbed MVs are for.
Anyways, I think I've found my 'groove' in music. For a while it bounced from Owl City and The Ready Set to Coldplay and The Script and Death Cab For Cutie to Birdy and Lana Del Rey and Bon Iver and now I think it's a giant mishmash of all the bands/artists I've mentioned above, but I found that I really prefer the female voice to the male voice haha. Hm... I think I'll give some song/artist recs :D

Favorite 5 Female Artists (as of today):

1. Regina Spektor
Favorite song from her is currently "Wallet". 

2. Birdy
Favorite song from her will probably always be "Shelter".

3. Lana Del Rey
Hmm... current favorite song is "Born to Die". Definitely.

4. Florence + The Machine
Hands down favorite: "Shake It Out".

5. Mindy Gledhill
Favorite: "All The Pennies"

....and I might soon add Coeur de Pirate to this list! Hope Pandora finds more nice songs of hers to play. Might do another post of my favorite bands/male artists later.

Oh, and remember the Psych questions I posted yesterday?
The last two were: "There's a body of water at the edge of your property. What is it?" I answered "Lake". Turns out that's indicative of the size of my sexual desire LOLLLLLL
and then "You have to cross the body of water. What do you do?" I answered "Swim" at first, but changed it to "Build a bridge" (idk why). Turns out that how wet I get while crossing the body of water is indicative of how much my sex life matters to me .______. HAHAHAHAAAA


Some very belated pictures from CCC Concert Music Camp. Because I miss it. And I already miss the seniors who will be graduating this year. Don't leave me with all these inept singers! D:
lol who am I trying to kid we're already pretty inept this year.

Group H! led by Alan. Who takes the prize for 'most awkward leader' haha. But it was a good camp. See me? Wow my face is fat LOL

During the games! We won three out of the four games. For some reason my group never wins the balloon stomp competition haha. I wasn't even trying, just hiding in a corner, and I was still one of the last five survivors of my group .__.
It's okay. I still love my group.
See me? Making good use of Rachel's sunglasses.

During the relay race, which we won partly because of Alan's "army crawl" skills and Kevin's "chugging" skills LOL. Alan just went used his knees so it was just a crawl. And Kevin shook his can and then acted surprised when it exploded when he opened it, so he wouldn't have to drink as much.

See me?

I was the "guy" in our reenactment of Threw It On The Ground, remember? This was afterwards. Carlin (photographer, alumni) came up to me afterwards and said he had to have a picture so here it is LOL
Alright that's all. I'm missing it too much.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

lol r u srs

While reading schoolmates' blogs, I realized that a lot of them don't blog they way I do. Lol. Is the way I blog even considered 'blogging'? I just write/post whatever's on my mind and a lot of the time posts consist of just derpy pictures of myself. But that's the thing, I guess. Blogs are personal and they reflect the personalities of the people posting stuff on them. So you guys can stick with all your moralizing and talk of the future (lol future what future) and dreams and ... Pokemon.

Oh, let me go off on a tangent here. Pokemon. And manga. And anime. And Melee. And let's just throw in all the video game stuff lol. I'm fine with this stuff that doesn't really interest me when my friends are talking about it, yeah, sure, okay, I'm going to pretend that reference you just made didn't go right over my head. And slowly I might learn what you're talking about, if I cared enough. But I don't. I get that you're obsessed with this stuff, that wo0o0o0ow it's so cool amazing awesome can't get enough of it. Would you mind ... not talking about it all the time, though? It would be so so so so so nice if we could have a conversation without any of this stuff somehow burrowing in and making an entrance. I don't talk about K-pop with my K-pop hating/not listening friends, do I? I don't obsess over the lead actor in the newest K-drama I've been watching. Why don't I, when I fangirl over these people on Tumblr? Because I've figured out that these things don't interest you, that you're tired of me talking about these people, that you don't care. Why can't you do the same for me? I'm not saying that you have to stop talking about these topics around me. That'd be rude and demanding of me. I'm suggesting, carefully and politely, that you might think about talking about some other things with me?

While we're on the topic of fangirls (because I am fond of going off on tangents, and wow, is this one of the few semi-serious posts on this blog? WOW GOOD JOB ME)

....fangirls, while I use the term 'fangirl' as a general word to mean fans. That are girls. There's also 'fanboys', but that's a whole other spiel. Let's focus on fangirls first. Or just fans for short. Because usually the fanboys are the reasonable, 'good' fans that don't send death threats to their beloved idol's girlfriends =______=
Of course, I don't do any of the below. /gives self a smug pat on the back/

What I Find Wrong With Fangirls In General (Mostly K-pop Fandoms)
  2. Oh, the squealing. And the screaming. Oh, the screaming. Oh, my poor poor bleeding ears.
  3. I have no problem with fans lining up at airports in China and Korea and Japan &etc. for hours. Sure, you want to see your precious idols (usually male idols lol), okay, fine. But when they get there and actually try to walk through the airport, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Must push and scream and shove and run to try to get as close to your precious oppaaaa! While holding handmade fansigns, of course. Then the idols get hurt. Managers being managers, of course, try to keep the fans from getting too close and literally mashing the poor guys to death. When fans still don't listen and won't back off, even scratching the poor managers, then the managers, patience all used up, start using physical force. That's when the huge fancy expensive cameras come out and pointing fingers at the managers just trying to keep their idols safe. If you were true fans, you wouldn't try to mash the poor guys to death. Js.
  4. Sasaeng fans. What. Why ... you don't even deserve to be called fans. For those who are not familiar with the term 'sasaeng fans', it denotes fans who skip school, skip ... everything and pay taxis to follow idols around Korea. They even camp outside their dorms and sometimes do that overnight, forcing idols to sneak around their own homes and making them even afraid to go outside. When they see their precious idols, they mob them, try to kiss them, completely disregard any concept of 'personal space'. They try to grab their private parts, rip off clothing, hair, scratch the idols/managers. They write letters to their biases with tampon blood. What kind of people are you? Here for more information on what sasaeng fans do.
  5. Death threats sent to male idols' girlfriends. Lately it's been better, but a couple of years ago, when Jonghyun of SHINee was in a relationship with Shin Se Kyung (an actress), some Shawols (fans of SHINee) sent her death threats. Or made 'anti-Shin Se Kyung' fansites. Some Blingers (fans of SHINee, but Jonghyun especially) became fans of the other members instead, or just left the fandom completely. What? Shouldn't you be happy your oppa has found someone that likes him, that he likes, that he'd want to be with her openly, even if 'fans' like you were going to leave? 
  6. "I knew _____ before they got popular!" "You're just a new fan." "I was a fan of _____ since _____'s debut." You'd think that fans would be happy about their idols getting more popular, of them getting more publicity so they'd come back with more albums/songs, and win more awards, and be happy, but no. Some fans are so hung up about who joined what fandom when where why that they forget that fandoms are for the idols. If you were a fan of someone, you'd most likely want them to be more successful. Just because an idol group has more new fans doesn't mean that they're jumping on a bandwagon. The fandoms are there to generate a larger fanbase. To companies/idols, it doesn't matter when you joined, just the fact that you joined. So they can sell you more posters/CDs/merc.
I think the original point of this post was to talk about dreams. Specifically, my dreams. Instead it became a rant against fangirls. Haha. Oh well ... I just want to share something that we did in AP Psych today. Kearns gave us a bunch of questions to answer to 'psychoanalyze ourselves', and they were pretty accurate, actually o_______o I shall replicate my answers verbatim for you below. Also, I answered these as honestly as possible and tried not to think too hard, so I think they're pretty indicative of my personality... (Analyzing part in parentheses; she only told us the analyzing part after we'd answered)

  • You're walking in a forest. Who are you with? (most important person in life)
God, spirits, Jeremy Mak (since I answered three, I guess it's God ...)
  • You encounter an animal in the forest. What is it? (size of animal correlates to size of problems in life)
Bear (oh god my problems ;~~;)
  • What does the animal do? What do you do? (interaction between animal and you is how you deal with your problems)
Bear swipes at me, I dodge, run away (...sadly, very accurate. I run away from my problems.)
  • You come across your dream house in a clearing in the forest. (size of house is ambition to solve problems)
Small, cozy cottage (......... .___.)
  • Is there a fence around it? (if yes, closed personality; if no, open personality)
  • You go in the house. There's the dining table. What's around and on it? (if there's flowers, food, or people, you have a happy personality)
Wooden chairs around table, vase of flowers and four placemats
  • You go outside to the yard. There's a cup on the ground. What's it made of? (perceived durability of relationship with person from Question #1)
Glass ( God, spirits, or JMak?)
  • What do you do with the cup? (attitude towards person from Question #1)
Pick it up and throw it to the ground, breaking it (.........................................great)

There were two more questions, but we didn't finish and she didn't tell us what the questions meant so maybe I'll finish this post tomorrow.
Anyways, I have a lot of homework to do.

So toodles.
Oh, and if you want to know what I'm currently listening to, it's this station on Pandora. Love to bits (almost) all the songs that they play for me.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


lol swimming.
It includes shivering in the cold and waking up early, both of which I am not particularly fond of. I have complained about practice and meets many times to my non-swimmer friends, all of whom inquire the same thing: "then why don't you quit?"
and the thing is, I don't know why. the entire JV team (not Varsity, they're far too busy hating each other stoic to complain) has moaned and groaned about hating swimming at least twice during the season. twice a week, that is.
But why don't we quit? My guess is that it's like smokers who know that they're addicted and turning their lungs black and all but they can't stop because it's so ... addictive

so today I had a swim meet at Morgan Hills, blah blah blah, didn't go yesterday because only fools and guys would sign up for the 1000 (you swim a thousand yards, hah, not for me) and today it was cold as balls in the morning and I was ded.
And I only swam two events (three tomorrow! :c) and they were the 200 breast (dropped two seconds! yey me! to a 2:53 and got eighth place in 'gold flight' lol) and the 50 free (dropped a second to 28.69, feeling warm and fuzzy inside). Also swam a 50 breast for the 200 medley 49'ers relay. Urmi was on my team anchoring free, and we had two little adorable boys omq. One was named Khang, and he was eight, and he was sooooooo cute o m q he looked like this.

I'm not even kidding. Except he was wearing goggles and a cap instead of the glasses. The other kid was named Ethan and he was 10 and I said he was adorable too but he didn't like being called adorable (HAHAHAHA) so that in itself was cute.
but o m q Khanh was really adorable.
Anyways we came back and I stuffed myself with Sweet Tomatoes fare and then now we're back home and I have a food baby and it's cold as balls in my room.

that is a fluffy comforter under my arm
Tomorrow I have another day of swim meet-ing and then after that I'm going straight to what my mom called a 'swimming picnic' what
she crazy