Monday, February 13, 2012

you have enough anger for both of us

You always tell me that I shouldn't compare myself to other people.
Like when I say, "The entire class did horribly on this test!" or "I got the highest grade in the entire class!"
But when I get a bad grade on a test or a quiz (it's always for math) then oooooh, let's compare you to people who are good at math!
"You got a B?! Wow! _______ and ______ never had any trouble with math."
"Why you get such low score?! So and so's son got all A's and he said it was easy!"
"You so lazy compared to so and so!"

But oh, heaven forbid I ever compare myself to someone who's not better than me. No, I can't feel better about myself, because I am so bad at mathematics and that's the only thing that matters! A for Asian! You get A in what? Hah? English? History? Every other subject? Who care? You get da B in math!

You could take a conversation about freaking Jeremy Lin and turn it back to my horrible grade in math, and how I'm so lazy, and how I'm useless, and how I'll never get into a good college, and how I'll be oh so depressed, and work for minimum wage, all because in my sophomore year I got a C on a test!

I'm being hysterical, and teary, and a little crazy. Don't mind me. Let me rant and cry in peace.

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