Friday, February 24, 2012


was fun.
Pictures were expensive. and I probably derped in all of them fdjf;lkajsd
Dancing.......... was kinda awkward at first but I thought it was nice.
Dancing with Christie.... all kinds of racy LOOOOOOOL
got there late because of swim practice and called him and saw him standing there near the entrance and then we went in together.
And talked with Trisha/Kyle and Cynthia/Ho. LOL
they made us hold hands too
because they were holding hands
Also he used two pirated-themed pickup lines on me jf;ksdjlfakjd
one was Alicia's favorite one.
"If you were a pirate, would you like your parrot on this shoulder or this shoulder?" /puts arm around shoulder/
LOOOOOOL and another one about my "(treasure?) chest".
I would say more but I'm tired.
too much win.
and too much cute.

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