this is basically a post made up of my feelings and everything mashed up together OTL I rarely do posts like these because they're boring for other people to read and they take too long to type up. but here goes.
I basically hate the bottom half of my face LOL. If only I had a pretty mouth.... a pretty chin........ a pretty jawline............ a pretty smile......... a pretty face..... :c
from now on, going to take pictures like dis OTL |
Over the weekend I bought a nice kawaii pink wallet that has a picture of a bear and a rabbit on it holding hands (symbolic of an interracial relationship? LOLFJDLKFAJD IDK) and on the side it says "I CAN DO IT! OTL" in pink letters (which is basically why I bought it LOL JFKDJ)
so now I'm just going around saying "OTL" in real life online to everyone omg I can't
Also I am currently obsessed with Big Bang's new song/MV,
"Blue". They're all so pretty ;~; and they all have such pretty voices ;~; and they all look so good without their shirts on ;~; and Tabi rocks blue hair HKEREH HR KJL TABI ROCKS EVERYTHING
dis guy. making fangirl ovaries explode since the beginning of time omq |
Although I must say that I was very relieved that G-Dragon's hair is no longer that long black horse-tail .__. I almost died when I saw it OTL can I kill his hairstylist/coordi noona OTL OTL OTL
yeah no not for you my dear GD |
now it's some short kinda bleached hair thing yes thank you your coordi noona came to her senses -___-
Anyways, Blue is wonderful beautiful I LOVE IT SO MUCH BETTER THAN
Now. I mean it.
Here. I've even got the link for you so you can't be lazy.
Hm. What was I going to blog about next...... oh yeah. I forgot Victoria's birthday today D: yes, I know. How could I, my best friend??? Well I'm terrible with dates. I'm sorry. I would forget my own birthday if it wasn't on the back of my mom's car's license plate (okay no not really I wouldn't I like presents too much lul) but you get what I'm saying. I think. Anyways, I sang "Happy Birthday" to her a million times and got other people to wish her a happy birthday too and then posted stuff on her wall and now I'm giving her her present tomorrow.
Still feel like a crappy friend hmm.
Okay, upcoming birthdays.......
- Mark - Feb. 29th (which I'll miss because I'll be in TEXAS)
- Albert - March 6th
- Me - March 26th
- Sister - April 13th
- Michael - April 15th
- Trisha - May 4th
- Steven - May 22nd
- Rachel - June 23rd
maybe I'll show up at your house with a bunch of balloons and a cake. If I don't have SAT boot camp at that time ;~;
oh and things I really want hm just a few thoughts
(birthday's coming up in like a month and five days hint hint hint) LOL JK you guys don't have to get me anything you guys can forget my birthday because chances are I'll forget yours LOL
books: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson ; 1Q84 - Haruki Murakami
skin care: ANYTHING FROM LUSH FOR OILY/ALL SKIN TYPES, ESPECIALLY MOISTURIZER ; or Burt's Bees After Sun Soother. omg one day after swim practice I saw Amy putting this on her face and I was like OMG CAN I TRY so I tried it and it was like heaven I swear lol. Amy said I was moaning while I put it on my face LOOOOL ; or EOS lip balm C: heard so many good things about this cute lip balm so I wanna try it. heehee. Yeah that's basically it.
clothes: cardigans, blazers, nice things, cute t-shirts, haha anything
music: anything Korean is welcome c: I especially want Big Bang, SHINee, 2NE1, SNSD, or Tablo stuff heh. POSTERS WOULD BE NICE so then I could stare at Minho's face all day jfdlskaf;lkdj OTL
my face is so red OTL this is why I need that After Sun Soother .__. |
yeah now that I type it all out it looks like a lot now I look like a greedy pig LOL OTL but really it's not I would buy all these things for myself if I could order online :c but no credit card or debit card or even cash card OTL OTL OTL (orz orz orz) so yeah that's the end of my birthday spiel.
gratuitous pic of myself from a billion years ago just so that you don't get
really bored just reading that whole long wall of text (cough, TRISHA LOL)
man why don't I look like this anymore I used to be so cute what happened |
other stuff from today: so I asked Coach Des if I could get out early on Thursday because of the orch concert at Ohlone that's going to be a waste of my time orz but I have to be there at 7 and swim practice ends at 7:20 .__. so now I'm getting out at 6:30 whee.
but for Sadies she's like "ohhh I have to ask Cory to see if you can get out" and I wanted to complain but I held the urge in lul IF WE GET OUT AT 7:20 THEN IT'LL TAKE US AT LEAST TEN MINUTES TO CHANGE AND IF WE GET THERE AT 7:30 THEY WON'T LET US IN .____________. OTL OTL OTL
Maybe we should just go into the girl's locker room and sneak into the gym quad from there. >__>
Talking about Sadies gets me thinking about other people going to Sadies and all this stuff. LOL TODAY ME AND STEVEN AND VICTORIA STALKED CYNTHIA AND HER HO to the Activities Center because they were going to buy tickets to Sadies but apparently the Activities Center was closed so while they were walking out they saw us and it was like ..... "WE'RE NOT FOLLOWING YOU WE SWEAR" /turns the other way in synchronized motion/
Also we have perfected our three-way creepy walking ;D
And then thinking about all the cute couples like Trisha/Kyle and Cynthia/Ho (desert) got me thinking about my other friend and her guy drama, which I shall not discuss here.
All I think is that if you want advice, you should tell people why you want advice, and who it's for. Sure we're going to tease you about it... but seeing as you've teased me for what, three months now? and Cynthia for what, two weeks now? it seems like you can dish it out but you can't take the heat.
Which is pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
After listening to all your bad puns and lame jokes, we should get to make some too!
And that's all I'm going to say about it because I actually do feel pretty bad for you and your position and all dat friend drama so
Now I think I should get to work on my homework hrea;lkjd I still have chem homework, chem EC, that stupid game board term sheet thing to type up, get all the game pieces/dice, and hope I don't fail the history test tomorrow or the chem test on Friday @__@
lol while I was typing all of this up I kept looking over my shoulder every few minutes for my parents storming into my room demanding that I study LOL I'M LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER NOW AS I TYPE .___________. OTL