Thursday, July 19, 2012



I am just really really irritated at this one person.
It's not just one thing because usually I let little things go until they become an anthill of little things and then I just want to set fire to the rain ants.
And watch them burn.

First of all. This might be surprising because I am a very "touchy" person myself (by "touchy" I mean I like to hug people and like pat them on the head) and I'm fine with people doing that too and people tickle me and I'm fine with that, sure.
But I'm also really jumpy. And I hate it when people tap me on the shoulder or back. And this person doesn't even just do it once. It's like five times. In a row. Insistently. Every single time this person (let's call them 'Z' so I don't have to repeat 'this person' billions of times) wants to tell me an irrelephant, useless, or really dumb fact or opinion, Z taps me on the back. And I jump every time because I'm busy doing things like the stuff we're supposed to be doing. I'm saying this is like every ten minutes. For four hours. For five days a week. For the past two weeks.

Okay, that seems like a small-ish issue. Here's another little antpile. Z likes to go around saying stuff like "I'm really funny, right?" and the thing is, Z is NOT. -______-; and whenever I decide to say something that's actually relephant to the conversation and occasionally a bit witty, she repeats it. Like right after me. Verbatim, word for word, the exact same way I said it, two seconds after I say it. WHY. I just said it. Are you living in an alternate universe where no one is hearing what I say, just what you repeated after me?

Another smallish issue here. I sit in a chair that happens to have this little basket foot rest underneath it. Z sits behind me. Of course, in course of four hours, anyone would rest their feet. I have no problem with that. I understand that. Okay. But noooo, my feet (I'm sitting in the front so there is no chair in front of me and therefore no foot rest) will be just flat on the floor and then I feel someone kicking me. And then I'm like ... not moving my feet because Z's feet have obviously gone through the basket thing, not just resting on it, through it, and Z's feet are stuck so far out that Z manages to kick the back of my legs.
And I'm like "....okay, you felt yourself kicking me, and now you're going to move, alright, that's okay."
But no. Z just keeps on kicking me until I turn around and stare at Z like "wtf are you doing you stupid person move your damn feet" (I am not in the best mood at 8:30 in the morning, and I'm not in the best mood now)
Then the offending feet are removed. But they are put back on the foot rest in a matter of minutes, and then they start drumming or marching or whatever the shit Z feels like doing that day.
This happens periodically. About once every half hour for four hours for five days a week for two weeks and counting.

A bigger anthill.
I have other friends in the class, and I'll be talking with them or be really engrossed in the conversation that does not include Z (wowowwoowowow, big surprise!) and then Z will poke Z's head into the conversation with an absolutely irrelephant anecdote. It's just. Like. We'll be talking about EXO or whatever and Z will butt in with something that Z thinks is funny about ... like Maplestory or some shit.
Z is also hypocritical. Z can be very loud, very annoying, very irritating, but then Z bites the head off of someone else who is loud/annoying/irritating. (Okay, I'm not really fond of either of them at the moment, but they sit next to me so what can do. Must be patient. Must be polite. Must remember to never behave like them.)

Finally, Z is really......... I don't know. Two-faced. Z will state an opinion like "the Korra finale was so amazing omq so good don't you remember?!?11?!!1111) and then I'll say something like "oh yeah, the bending was nice, but it felt really rushed" and then RIGHT AWAY, literally a few seconds after the first sentence that Z said, after hearing what I said, Z will say "oh yeahhhhh totally man yeah yeah I get you mhm yeah"
....Weren't you just saying how the Korra finale was so good and the best and so exciting and there was nothing wrong with it?

Okay. Keep calm and carry on. There is only one day left. Okay. Okay. Then off to Boston and then you don't have to deal with the entire classroom of bumheads [holy crap a group of people in my class is so loud omq honestly I do not care about your leg hair please stop your inane yattering in class you didn't pay so much money to talk in dulcet tones about stuff that no one cares about, stop, I hate you all, please go die (except Narnars who has amazing rings and is quite nice and so are some other people who don't talk so much)] for two weeks.

/end rant

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