Tuesday, July 10, 2012

mak dongsaeng

So I don't know why people are still actively shipping us like what am I not allowed to have a nice best guy friend that I can hang out with and walk around with and stuff LOLLL
Oh well I hope sooner or later people can get the idea that we are not dating or planning to date or ever going to date in the future. And that it is perfectly alright for a girl and a guy to hang out together without having any romantic interest in each other. Yes. For goodness sakes, I even talk to him about which cute guy I'm currently obsessing over =_____=
After Elite (they switched up the schedule so English is now first and Crit. Reading is now last! I don't like it. But I guess now Russell can wake us up when we're about to fall asleep.....? And Jon is so moody I can't where did nice Jon go?) I went and walked to Mission because Mak lives like across Fremont from me =____= (and also when I was walking I made eye contact with a guy wearing a white v-neck which I'm nooooot sure if he was the cute guy or not [lol what is grammar Walcott would cry over my last sentence but whatever this is how I think ok] because cute guy was wearing a white v-neck and looking really really cute today omq [he always looks cute but today especially omq I like v-necks omq] and it was like....... long eye contact because I was trying to figure out if he was who I thought he was LOL [+10 cool points to you if you successfully deciphered what I just said... I'm not too sure myself] .....heh)
So yeah. And then I waited for him for like half an hour and then sat at the creek path because it was hot af and yes, we did have to pick the hottest day ever to trek (ELITEWORD!) across Fremont. Then we went to CVS and we got lost on the way =______= looool finally got there and I got my St. Ives' Green Tea Scrub (waaay too many facial products, but I still get acne like wtf) and then went to TapEx.
I didn't want to spend too much money (owe so many people! and Jeremy was like oh I can pay for you but I was like nawhha h don't want to owe but ended up drinking like half of his drink haha)

Look at this kid. He thinks he's qute.

He refused to take a picture with me but instead took pictures of me. Thanks.

Really photogenic. LOL
Anyways yeah....... we basically hung out at TapEx and talked. About cute guys ... and yeah........ I don't even remember what we talked about for literally two hours. But I did give him back his hat. He said I look better in it though C:
So that was fun and I like hanging out with people one on one and it's nice.

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