Thursday, July 5, 2012


Lately I feel like I'm just living for cheap thrills. Going to the movies, shopping, hanging out with friends, watching waaaaay too many Youtube videos, torrenting movies, etc... I've even stopped trying to study and get a good score on my SATs because it all seems so far away. I might not get into an Ivy League school, or even a "good" school, but I feel like I'll settle for whatever. Anything "good" enough.
I feel all my life I've been drifting along, getting pushed along by others or bouncing off of what other people want me to do, what they think I should do or so many expctations other than mine.
And I don't want to live that way. But like one of my friends told me, I'm "mellow". I "go with the flow". I don't seem to care about what happens or how my life's going to be.

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