Sunday, July 29, 2012

fweeee day

So today was our free day at Smith and I wanted to go to the pool in the morning to swim with Michelle but it was closed :c I woke up at 7:30 for nothing.
And then I watched a few episodes of White Collar (new favorite show yes) and then some Olympics gymnastics. 'MMMMMMURICA.
After lunch me, Sela, Kimberly, and Michelle went to town and bought things lol.
I got a wonderfully impractical fuzzy monster... hat from Faces (a wonderful Northampton store that has everything.)

A visit to Harrell's for strawberry ice cream. Never anything else. Yum yum in my tum tum.
Then went to Urban Outfitters to look (and 30% off sale, yes) and didn't find anything worth buying. Drooled over the pair of wedge sneakers and studded shirt collars I fell in love with. Tried on a galaxy print "rabbit" headband or something (you'll see lol) and big hornrimmed glasses to get in touch with my inner hipster c; (Kimberly said it was to get in touch with my inner Korean LOL)

Tried to go get Jeremy Mak his birthday present but the comic book store was closed. >:
Came back.
Decided to go swimming in the lake with Kimberly and Sela.

Me and Sela contemplating the meaning of life while Kimberly practices stalker skills.

they called me 'chocolate' :c

Went swimming. It was very cold. We spent about thirty minutes standing butt-deep in the water daring each other to go under first LOL. In the end I went under because I had cap and goggles. Very murky underwater. Rope swing though, so we all swung (or tried to swing) into the lake heh.
Missed dinner at the cafeteria because we were swimming till like 6:15 and then we had an impromptu 'dress dinner day' and wore dresses (since I didn't have one I borrowed one of Sela's!) to eat at this Asian noodle place (so good.)

Damn you, cursed swimmers' man shoulders.
Speaking of swimmers, Ryan Lochte won gold in the men's 400 IM. Phelps got fourth place. YEAH LOCHTEEEEEEEEE
okay that is all I am going to go do my laundry and one of the leader counselor people, Liz, is armed with a Nerf gun and I am scared.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

summer at smith

I guess I should blog about my stay at Smith College, Northampton, MA. Because I feel obligated to and if I didn't I'd be a really lazy and terrible blogger and not worthy of my 5,555 total page views. omq so sad
So the whole matter of getting a flight was resolved by my forceful mother (I think she yelled at quite a number of airport front desk personnel people) and I flew first to Washington, D.C., then to Hartford, Connecticut and got picked up in a white Smith van.
Made friends/bonded with a group the first day because we took a trip downtown. There's this nice shop called Faces and everything was super expensive but I saw a pair of nice toe socks and they were light blue with buttered toast cartoons all over then and I had an urge to have those socks in my life. But I didn't. Then we had bubble tea and I also bought hair dye and dyed my hair along with two other people (there's now a tinge of red in it under the sunlight lol but doesn't show under normal lighting.)

For some reason, whenever I smile with my lips closed I have this little ... weird twist at the right side of my mouth.

But I just look smug and self-satisfied in this picture so...
I guess if you want a dorm room tour you're just going to have to vidchat me. coercing people to be my friends and vidchat already

After the whole "dyeing already dyed black hair doesn't work" thing, I want to bleach my bangs now, sort of like Kai's blonde extension phase...

something like that... haha it might look weird but whatever. Going into town today with friend (Michelle, I met her literally three days ago and I love her she's adorable. Plus she says I'm funny LOL)

Anyways Michelle was part of the group that I bonded with and now I do stuff outside of class with her (no classes together x___x) and it's nice.
Monday was first day of classes... I really like the creative fiction class because she gives us time to free write and do lots of exercises to stimulate our creativity. We also did lots of workshopping, giving each other feedback on their writing. Memoir writing is okay... I also have the same teacher, Tamar Adler, for food writing, and that class is fun haha. I can't really write food writing, but man I can eat. Did I mention I like the food here? It's so good. Except for lunch. I live off the salad bar for lunch because I am a picky eater and much of the lunch looks unpalatable for some reason lol.
Tuesday much the same. Except the weather was weird af and it was hot and sunny, then hot and rainy, then cold and storming, then hot and sunny again wtf. I went looking for the gym to go swimming and I was clutching an umbrella the entire time (thank you, mother, for insisting that I bring an umbrella) and got halfway soaked by the time I found it heh. Swimming was nice. Turns out while I was swimming everyone else had a fire drill WTF so lol I forgot to sign out (when you're not in your dorms or dining hall or classes you need to sign out and tell people where you're going) and then they were looking for me.
Wednesday... workshopped my piece! if you want to read my short story go to "read more" c:
and bye so I can oovoo with jmak lol.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

sisterly love

My flight got cancelled lolwtf
and webcams are for taking pictures with
lol also I printed my one-shots/drabbles to take to Boston because creative fiction writing teacher wants to see samples of my writing x_____x
anyways here's my sister's weird-and-doesn't-look-like-me face

beauty in its simplest form

boston or bust

watch the video LOL
also I am awkward af in front of a camera apparently my talking sounds like singing (thank you, Trisha) so don't judge please
also I make weird noises.

lazy blogger is lazy

Thursday, July 19, 2012

moar ughs

somehow managed to drop a glass pot lid on my foot while I was washing it because I am elegant and graceful
and it's not too bad just bled like ... a lot
now hopping around the house on one foot and it's good exercise for my left leg muscles

loljk now it stings like a motherpaqqer
and I only noticed it after I picked up the glass shards (pricking my middle finger in the process, through my rubber gloves) and vacumned dat shit up and everything.
Also I have another wound on the other side of my foot but it's all bandaged up now.



I am just really really irritated at this one person.
It's not just one thing because usually I let little things go until they become an anthill of little things and then I just want to set fire to the rain ants.
And watch them burn.

First of all. This might be surprising because I am a very "touchy" person myself (by "touchy" I mean I like to hug people and like pat them on the head) and I'm fine with people doing that too and people tickle me and I'm fine with that, sure.
But I'm also really jumpy. And I hate it when people tap me on the shoulder or back. And this person doesn't even just do it once. It's like five times. In a row. Insistently. Every single time this person (let's call them 'Z' so I don't have to repeat 'this person' billions of times) wants to tell me an irrelephant, useless, or really dumb fact or opinion, Z taps me on the back. And I jump every time because I'm busy doing things like the stuff we're supposed to be doing. I'm saying this is like every ten minutes. For four hours. For five days a week. For the past two weeks.

Okay, that seems like a small-ish issue. Here's another little antpile. Z likes to go around saying stuff like "I'm really funny, right?" and the thing is, Z is NOT. -______-; and whenever I decide to say something that's actually relephant to the conversation and occasionally a bit witty, she repeats it. Like right after me. Verbatim, word for word, the exact same way I said it, two seconds after I say it. WHY. I just said it. Are you living in an alternate universe where no one is hearing what I say, just what you repeated after me?

Another smallish issue here. I sit in a chair that happens to have this little basket foot rest underneath it. Z sits behind me. Of course, in course of four hours, anyone would rest their feet. I have no problem with that. I understand that. Okay. But noooo, my feet (I'm sitting in the front so there is no chair in front of me and therefore no foot rest) will be just flat on the floor and then I feel someone kicking me. And then I'm like ... not moving my feet because Z's feet have obviously gone through the basket thing, not just resting on it, through it, and Z's feet are stuck so far out that Z manages to kick the back of my legs.
And I'm like "....okay, you felt yourself kicking me, and now you're going to move, alright, that's okay."
But no. Z just keeps on kicking me until I turn around and stare at Z like "wtf are you doing you stupid person move your damn feet" (I am not in the best mood at 8:30 in the morning, and I'm not in the best mood now)
Then the offending feet are removed. But they are put back on the foot rest in a matter of minutes, and then they start drumming or marching or whatever the shit Z feels like doing that day.
This happens periodically. About once every half hour for four hours for five days a week for two weeks and counting.

A bigger anthill.
I have other friends in the class, and I'll be talking with them or be really engrossed in the conversation that does not include Z (wowowwoowowow, big surprise!) and then Z will poke Z's head into the conversation with an absolutely irrelephant anecdote. It's just. Like. We'll be talking about EXO or whatever and Z will butt in with something that Z thinks is funny about ... like Maplestory or some shit.
Z is also hypocritical. Z can be very loud, very annoying, very irritating, but then Z bites the head off of someone else who is loud/annoying/irritating. (Okay, I'm not really fond of either of them at the moment, but they sit next to me so what can do. Must be patient. Must be polite. Must remember to never behave like them.)

Finally, Z is really......... I don't know. Two-faced. Z will state an opinion like "the Korra finale was so amazing omq so good don't you remember?!?11?!!1111) and then I'll say something like "oh yeah, the bending was nice, but it felt really rushed" and then RIGHT AWAY, literally a few seconds after the first sentence that Z said, after hearing what I said, Z will say "oh yeahhhhh totally man yeah yeah I get you mhm yeah"
....Weren't you just saying how the Korra finale was so good and the best and so exciting and there was nothing wrong with it?

Okay. Keep calm and carry on. There is only one day left. Okay. Okay. Then off to Boston and then you don't have to deal with the entire classroom of bumheads [holy crap a group of people in my class is so loud omq honestly I do not care about your leg hair please stop your inane yattering in class you didn't pay so much money to talk in dulcet tones about stuff that no one cares about, stop, I hate you all, please go die (except Narnars who has amazing rings and is quite nice and so are some other people who don't talk so much)] for two weeks.

/end rant

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"to the beautiful you"

or the Korean adaptation of the manga "Hana Kimi", which has already been adapted into both a Taiwanese and a Japanese drama.
I don't know much about the storyline (translate: don't know anything at all) but I know that the main leads are Goo Jae Hee (which will be played by Sulli from f(x)) and Kang Tae Joon (Minho from SHINee)
[And 9 members from EXO are cameos c: c: c:]
I read the Dramawiki article about this drama but since it hasn't aired yet, there wasn't anything besides the plot:
The series centers on Goo Jae Hee, a Korean girl who lives in the United States. One day, she sees a track and field competition on TV, and becomes attracted to one of the high jump competitors, Kang Tae Joon. She begins to idolize the young athlete and eventually transfers to Korea to attend the same school that Tae Joon attends after he suffers an accident that could potentially end his career. There is a catch, however: Tae Joon attends an all-boys high school and Jae Hee must disguise herself as a boy to enter.
There's the whole unrealistic "idolizing someone on TV" and "moving to Korea from the US to go to the same school" thing but I think I can look past that if the storyline/acting is better than what I'm expecting right now.
I mean, Minho and Sulli, the main leads? They're singers/rappers/dancers, not actors. But Minho's acted before and apparently Sulli did pretty well at the scriptreads so we'll see.

So apparently lots of people thought Amber (fellow group member who is a very pretty tomboy) would be better fit for the role because Sulli was very girly/had long-ish hair.

this is Amber my girl crush

and this is Sulli.

There is a hair-chopping scene in the beginning of the drama, but no one actually thought that she would fit the role/actually chop her hair off.
Turns out she chopped off about 60 cm of hurr.


She is so stunning with short hair I can't even please never grow your hair out long.
Although lots of people also said that she looks like Taemin what

Uh......... maybe I'm weird, but I don't see it. Also this is my favorite hairstyle on him... his debut hairstyle :P
Maybe their hair looks kind of similar in different eras...?

So yeah there's a bunch of hype about this whole thing and pictures have been leaked from their filmings and Minho looking hot ;~;

hi Minho you're hot and attractive although those shorts are a tad bit short

Hopefully I'll be able to watch the drama without wanting to be Sulli too much (she's beautiful with short and long hair, she has beautiful legs, she sings well, she dances well, she's part of a popular girl group, she gets to play the lead role in a popular drama, she gets to be the romantic interest of Choi Minho....)
Do you know what I mean.
Sometimes I'm reading a book or watching a movie or TV show or drama or something and it'll just be too much and then I'll have to pause it or go do something else first and calm myself down so

Hwaiting for this drama and hoping that it lives up to its hwype.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


One thing I really have to remember is that other people are not me and are not interested in the same things that I am excessively interested in and therefore I should not talk to them about anything and not complain anymore and slit my wrists instead  for stress relief or something. And I should also stop starting chats with people because people do not want to talk to me because if they wanted to talk to me they would start the chats.

Monday, July 16, 2012


my shirt is glowing lol what is up webcam
also yes I am wearing last year's Relay For Life shirt because I didn't go this year lol
anyways I woke up and looked in the mirror at my stomach because that's what I do and whoa abs

Okay kind of not really if you peek really closely? also fading swim tan lol

going to work out now at Clubsport lolkbye

Sunday, July 15, 2012

le music

Who is using their iPad to check my blog.
LOOOOOL omq come on leave a comment or something I just find it really funny that people are using their Androids/iPods/iPads to look at my blog :P
Anyways, I just wanted to talk about my current favorite songs/covers that I like to jam to.

"Somewhere Only We Know" - Keane (Cover by Max Schneider & Elizabeth Gillies)

Have this on replay right now it's so good it gives me chills.

"Titanium" - David Guetta ft. Sia

Usually don't listen to mainstream music but wow. Sia's voice. So naice.

"White Winter Hymnal" - Birdy

Because Birdy's covers are so beautiful and Fleet Foxes' lyrics are lovely as well.

"Off To The Races" - Lana Del Rey

I just really like her voice and there's something wrongly mesmerizing about the lyrics/melody.

"Rehab" - Amy Winehouse

It gets stuck in my head and I end up singing this around the house at random times -- like at one in the morning.

"Lego House" - Ed Sheeran

"Drunk" and "The A Team" and "Small Bump" are also very good but this one's my favorite from his album "+" -- and if you don't know who he is, GO CHECK HIM OUT. Plus, Rupert Grint's in this music video lol.

"Wallet" - Regina Spektor

Her voice is so naice and the lyrics are amazingly superbly beautiful.

"Run" - Snow Patrol

I like Snow Patrol. This is a good song. That is all.

Soooooo I hope you went and listened to every one of those songs as imho they are absolutely superb and especially please go check out Birdy, Lana Del Rey, Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor, and Ed Sheeran as they have lots and lots more beautiful songs but these are just my favorite atm.
If you already know/like these artists/songs then yey let's be friends c:
But if you don't have the same personal taste as I do you may not like them as much lol so oh well

Friday, July 13, 2012

whoo yeah giveaway

So yeah I won a Tumblr giveaway by vintagedolls (Rachel) a week ago (don't remember whether I blogged about it........)
but yeah to recap

heeheehee won my first giveaway. I remember being rather astonished/excited the hour after she contacted me lol. And the fact that I've been following her for like over a year and she's following me back is quite interesting c:
Anyways, I got my stuff in the mail today. Still waiting on my EXO ring though................. hm.
yes I look/am dressed like a slob because I have nowhere to go on Friday nights........ yes

It came with packing peanuts.

and a handwritten note from Rachel and she SPELLED MY NAME RIGHT
and she acknowledged that I've been following her for a while now :o

And now for the thing I entered this giveaway for.... (well along with the wing ring heh)

hehehhehhelkh lafhd hH AH
now I just have to find an acceptable social situation in which I can wear these glasses...........
ok that's all toodles

oh and if i had a brain

I've actually been really ugly the past few days (pimple breakout! all over my face) and I didn't have the energy to actually make myself cute (lol go to Elite in same clothes I slept in, nbd) and huge eyebags (mapling all day all night) and yeah so that's why I haven't been making many ootd posts.
But here I made an effort today.
And people were like "wow Janis you're wearing a dress" and lol

lol smile still ugly

but I like to think that my face is getting slimmer! (why can't my cheekbones just stick out please why do I have such a round face)

unflattering pic #1543554345

OOTD: this gray/green blazer/cardigan thing from Forever21, floral sundress from Forever21 (at the back you can see my swim tan .___.)

my legs are so unflatteringly short

so's my face lol
I mean
not short

actually before like twenty seconds I didn't realize I could embed Youtube videos in my blog posts lol. But NOW I KNOW and here's my current jam: Shelter - Birdy.
I love her voice.
It's so hauntingly beautiful ugh so naice


P.S. (unflattering) outtakes from today's escapade with the webcam

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I have another vice to add on to my growing list: never content, always worrying too much, no motivation/lazy, shallow/vain, judging other people too quickly, terrible person, overly jealous. Even when there's no need to be and no coherent, logical reason that I should feel that way. And it's usually always over people.

  • I do not know you. I am not even your friend. I am jealous of people you talk to because I want to be your friend and get to know you and be comfortable around you.
  • I guess I don't like you, but I like....... physical contact with you. Idk I'm a really touchy person apparently but I like hugging you and being around you even when you annoy me and you're being dumb. 
  • I want someone to want me.
  • I want someone to want me at the same time that I want them.
  • I want to be loved.
  • I want to feel loved.
  • I am jealous of people who have the aforementioned things and don't even know it, or appreciate them, or don't know that they're lucky that they have them.
While we're on the subject, why don't we go over the rest of my vices.

Never content:
  • This could tie in with some Jealousy points as well. 
  • I know I have friends who care about me but I often feel that I want more than what they can give me.
  • A friend has told me that sometimes I'm really kind of a perfectionist. Yes, and that's probably why I'm usually not content, or satisfied, and have such low self-esteem.
Always worrying too much:
  • I stress out about so many things but don't actually do anything to change my situation.
  • Because I'm so convinced that nothing I do can have any effect whatsoever so I don't even try to expend the effort.
No motivation/lazy:
  • Tying into aforementioned points, I am a lazy ass and I would be happy sitting on my butt watching Community or reading a good book/fanfiction instead of studying for SATs or doing Precalc homework or even trying to study for AP Bio. 
  • I am addicted to the Internet. And haven't even tried weaning myself off.
  • Yes, I take a lot of pictures of myself.
  • I look into the mirror/at my reflection a lot.
  • I care about my looks/clothes/face/hair a lot because I'm ugly and checking whether I got any uglier over the course of an hour.
  • Also, my face gets oily and it looks bad.
  • Oh I sound like a silly shallow narcissistic person right now and that's something I really need to work on but I won't.
Judging other people too quickly:
  • Usually I don't hold grudges.
  • But if you're annoying af the first few times I meet/interact with you I will hate you forever and avoid any future interactions and be really ... "cold".
  • Also I judge people by their looks.
  • And if you're cute I will stare.
Terrible person:
  • If the above weren't enough to prove how horrible I am...
  • I am also overly brusque
  • I have no brain-to-mouth filter (I say what I think and what I think isn't always nice)
  • I really hate annoying people. In a passive-aggressive way.
  • If I hate you I won't confront you about it, I'll just write aggressive blog posts at you.
  • I tell people about my problems all the time but I'm terrible when people ask me for advice. I'm better at the listening part.
There's more but too many to list them all at once and I have Crit. Reading homework so.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

mak dongsaeng

So I don't know why people are still actively shipping us like what am I not allowed to have a nice best guy friend that I can hang out with and walk around with and stuff LOLLL
Oh well I hope sooner or later people can get the idea that we are not dating or planning to date or ever going to date in the future. And that it is perfectly alright for a girl and a guy to hang out together without having any romantic interest in each other. Yes. For goodness sakes, I even talk to him about which cute guy I'm currently obsessing over =_____=
After Elite (they switched up the schedule so English is now first and Crit. Reading is now last! I don't like it. But I guess now Russell can wake us up when we're about to fall asleep.....? And Jon is so moody I can't where did nice Jon go?) I went and walked to Mission because Mak lives like across Fremont from me =____= (and also when I was walking I made eye contact with a guy wearing a white v-neck which I'm nooooot sure if he was the cute guy or not [lol what is grammar Walcott would cry over my last sentence but whatever this is how I think ok] because cute guy was wearing a white v-neck and looking really really cute today omq [he always looks cute but today especially omq I like v-necks omq] and it was like....... long eye contact because I was trying to figure out if he was who I thought he was LOL [+10 cool points to you if you successfully deciphered what I just said... I'm not too sure myself] .....heh)
So yeah. And then I waited for him for like half an hour and then sat at the creek path because it was hot af and yes, we did have to pick the hottest day ever to trek (ELITEWORD!) across Fremont. Then we went to CVS and we got lost on the way =______= looool finally got there and I got my St. Ives' Green Tea Scrub (waaay too many facial products, but I still get acne like wtf) and then went to TapEx.
I didn't want to spend too much money (owe so many people! and Jeremy was like oh I can pay for you but I was like nawhha h don't want to owe but ended up drinking like half of his drink haha)

Look at this kid. He thinks he's qute.

He refused to take a picture with me but instead took pictures of me. Thanks.

Really photogenic. LOL
Anyways yeah....... we basically hung out at TapEx and talked. About cute guys ... and yeah........ I don't even remember what we talked about for literally two hours. But I did give him back his hat. He said I look better in it though C:
So that was fun and I like hanging out with people one on one and it's nice.