Sunday, December 2, 2012

i'm not dead

I have deleted my 'vanity' blog bc I haven't updated that thing in like months so what was the use of having it around.
Ummmm junior year's going okay and if it weren't for the 'queue' function on Tumblr I wouldn't be able to manage both my personal blawg and my EXO blawg and this blawg so thank God for that
Finished bio homework due on Tuesday and almost done with psych flashcards/outlines for extra points due on Friday (the day of the test) but pretty worried about English (will my 89 never change???) and math (it's a sin) and about life in general.

but following the epithet
"stressed, depressed, but still well dressed"
here is an outfit post for y'all

grey-green (what color is this anyways???) pleather-y jacket from Macy's, grey and white striped sweater from Forever21, white basic v-neck from Forever21

black harem capri pants from YesStyle

pimple-y breakouts from my face

extra large eye bags from no sleep

sharper jawline from facial massages with a chinese ceramic soup spoon omq not even kidding

I have been following Bubzbeauty's method for facial massages for a sharper v-shaped face lol bc puffy cheeks and puffy eye bags don't go together so one has to go and I have decided it has to be my puffy, pimple-covered cheeks.


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