Friday, December 21, 2012

crying bc why

Today was minimum day bc of last day before break but like an idiot I tripped and fell, scraping both my hands [I'm using my right hand to type this post out painfully (both literally and metaphorically) slowly.] so now it's just stinging pretty bad and there's gravel in the large scrape on the heel of my left palm and yes I should be washing it out but it hurts like a motherpakker so I just covered it liberally with Neosporin and a new bandage.
And I'll wash it out later with lots of warm water but if I can't do that I'll go buy a pakking tube of lidocaine gel (what would I do without you, Yahoo answers)
Anyways, have an outfit post. 

grey coat from forever21, navy knit cardigan from forever21, light blue buttondown from hollister, patterned dress from forever21

It was originally a dress I just layered everything on top and tied a 90's knot and people complimented me on my "cute skirt" (Mr. Saldana, among others LOL)

trust me they look innocent all cleaned up but they sting like no other
cross earrings from forever21
I'm actually going to cry bc of all days why today I have winter ball in five hours ugh PAIN WHY
Lord have mercy on my soul

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