Friday, November 16, 2012

i'm a terrible person tbh

i think i have a problem
i like getting close to people
talking and chatting and hugging and texting them
and then i get bored
and then i usually just stop talking to them
and stop hanging out with them
and stop texting them

i'll be really close to someone
and then all of a sudden i start getting annoyed by their very presence
the way they talk
the way they walk
the way they act
it's too much
i need space
it's suffocating
why do they keep bothering me

and i forget that we used to be so close that before, i wouldn't think that this was "bothering", i'd think this was nice and the person was nice and
...this is a problem

this has happened with like three or four perfectly nice guys already
h a l p
i need to get it together


  1. (i'm getting old to this)
    i(looks at the) think (which then says) "i have" a problem (whitch it didn't before the prev hookup chain) >>i like getting close to people
    like<< (can't "decode"/map this one in right context to prev.)

    "who am i" -- chacky chan (?a coco nut?)

    so it's your mind learning:
    decoded a human
    (where getting close is getting the good reference -- an efficient training)


    it's the indian (native american) 2 wolves story
    you only learn what yiou ... wleew leew wlaaw .. yo (typo) like - ....

    .... everything measures work ... afterall

    .... there's an alternate (!perhaps!) you have to stay in "good spirit" always (that always is not so cool to gain)

    ((WTF are you on about ... ok))

    it's from my past spirit travels:

    we tried to cancel the human coz the systems here would do much better without ... you have to co-play enemies with your closest friends in that scenario - but it all turned out inefficient .. coz the "new**comers" new spirit wave up to born here in future think** the concept of a man (how it sees the "universe" or S-pecially this planet -- is so extraordinary to all other "verses" (read - spirit domains - energetic levels of spirit excistances)) ... so they sabotaged our plan


    there likely is not THE universal nature of someone - to discover - so you'd be as ?? succcessful as (s)he - you'd be perhaps as successful but not so satisfied - coz it's how someone else manifest ...... it's life

    as a puppy you still need to learn skills to survive next day (interact with other people)

    ha! now i got this WTF = i'm shure your friends could tell you the same story - i just did - perhaps in diferent metaphors - unless you need to map here (www) human.age:questionsBy.At

    (i shouldn't responce to such crap futher on V^^V crcrcrch)

  2. well it's nice to read other peoples blogs (i mostly watch the pics - and if i detect a "known time" - i try to get "the go there") - sometimes i read their day - to get the areals: customs/life-style/wiev-of-life/spiritual-level/specific-community-mission . . . so the blogs can be appreciated that way ...

    ... some of your poems was quite unique i gess (i never intersted in poetry although i find myself speaking in rhyme some things some time - or then i just listening some other spirits talk in my thoughts)

    ... the chance to develope that arts is quite demanding task by blog

    in short: the internet is good for you to find facts for your school tasks
    to ask right questions in right forums
    to set up a video conference or net meeting if you need to sync. things intercontinental.

    you cant interact with all of your readers in dialogue nor evaluate the critics to your poems 1000 opinions 20s to read 2minutes to eval. = 140*1000s/3600s=38+8/9 h = you dont fit in 24h

    /!\ what i've used and noticed is
    that when you "post a disturbance" to "public net space"
    even if anyone dont read that in person "the apparence of change"
    coses a "spirit space" to respond - so you can read the "answers" (spirit experience - they always don't crasp the things right - it might need correction or put into it's right context) about the subject <- it's when tuned to or just noticing what your mind passes in background << so you write a blog (no-one reads it ...) - what if you auto-suggest your notebook is "bublic media scapes" - it's the mind technique - to get into same alert level as if you pbulished something in www . . . i remember when i was younger (before theeth exchange) i auto suggested for fun that i dont know that to open the kitchen door all it takes is to press the handle - wow - i got panicked XD ???? i'm not shure if someone opened the door from the opposing side or i managed to dis-brainwash myself ... well i remember the techinque it's concentrating your thought to this one (but it had to be unconfused for your "back spirit" syntax - you can't use NOT word because there is no NOT or it's an exclusion set - an infinite amount of things) so you can't "say" i'll be NOT aware how to do this you go back your vision focus and up (above your "backmind") and hold your breath untill you start f/ well untill you faint ... and all the focusing time you have to be over your "back-mind" and figure out the spiritually right "brainwashing" syntax ...

    the internet is just an internet ;i

  3. uc i??? actually like her very nuch - but since she "became to her senses" (don't post a stuped picks online anymore) and your XD very like her ??? i like you Xb - so you're not as awful as i am ;3 (sh¡t&sh¡t -- actually the whole China is that way qute (for a reason (private V^^V (there was no china when i was 4yo nor the the history that contained the wwii - interesting...))))

  4. here's the lovly pic of her 8X
    and her famyly
    -.,- you know the last one actually reads that they are the spirits of goodies - such as say candies ? strawberry ? bullsh¡t your mom told you **not to eat when you was a kid - steering their go on "your credit**" - that NOT again /!\ - if i think their qt i think the goodies are qt - such a LOVE •.• ... Hei! but thei are human and they are qt (maw maw maw maw -.-)

  5. you know you posted here a while ago that you spilled the glass something and it cut your leg ... well it decodes ...

    ... well you had a quite good shields on so "we" had to ... shock you (<< pay attention that it's inirect reconstruction of there events in my memories over 25ya - i just write it as if i remember it from yesterday - which much becomes the case when you actually do remember/reconstruct it in your mind ..ssso)

    ... well the previous means "change of plans" (i donno whitch plans)
    ... what i do know is that my past me might be a bit careless (because it's inexperienced there *25+ya*)

    ... you have to hire a good fairies to watch your ass and their own ass for (untill you get rid of) *me* - or put that jerk to work - spirits are for help not to employ you (it's agenie - give some commands (watch it doesnot shock you for reply - it's alazy cat Xp))

    ... i here am resigned long ago - so get this game right - dont watch here - watch there (i just "enjoy the show" (so far))

  6. (nothing to do) some web digging founds ... it appares i found the last one first but eighter i didn't glanced too well or shot the window B4 looking at the browser gets sometimes impossssssibbbblyyyy slllllooooowwwwwww !yo
    N_e_w W_a_v_e Y_i_n a_n_d Y_a_n_g (is what the pics read - i don't comprehend a shit of chinese - nor those g.d. hieroglyphs the tri-stripe likely was ??? sky or something ??? nope donno)

  7. !ha it's the "Mom" muha-haa (i don't think you get that ... anyway)

  8. better it get's

  9. ???

  10. !yo the one below ?? is the boss :) - ok the fairies and their "gramma" - you should hire one of these

    a spirit missioners - muhaha - there's a song of this flower ...
    (((WTH -.-)))

  12. -- she's about the same timer as your reference goes ??? ((spirit mania /¯x.x¯\ ^_^ actually thei're doing a serious stuff - refunishing the Logos - destroyed by previous spirit wars ... may explain why someones family members are weird -- S-pecially mine , yes)) Ha! a spirit of Sis goes Here ...
    thepervious was spirit of Dad Resurrection (bloody interesting ;i)

  13. aMEE 1M EE 111 EE EE - doesnot flash a sh¡t ??? 7 E E EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FLE 111 seventy F WT af FTF ???? 3x37 7TFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (sorry i'm using your blog for thinking ;T -- too much trouble to open the notepad Xb) the FFFFFFFFFFFFF is SEA WAves 1(1)137(F) 1 (1)1 37(sea.rot(180deg)) -- (the 1)1 is qt name for cyberdog (the rest stays a mystery) -- ha this the video (you should chk your systems like it)

  14. This "rjc" fellow is so insightful.
