Sunday, March 31, 2013

short like me

I didn't know that I had this much hair to lose.


I am a pretty boy flower child.


  1. Thermal Shutdown hi hi hi hi hi :p
    (when i'm tired i start generate fuzzy associates - type of - everything can and will be converted into a pratical joke - haa-haa)
    ? Short circuited like starting to sing Kwiomi (A: there some wires coming from her head B: it's the diagnostics wire - like in "Terminator" bzbzbzbzbz - module compile)

    it's not you - i'm just tired at this point of time (Robo-Squirrel - muhahaa) keep cool

  2. ♥♥♥♥ tejitoki's a qt squirrel ♥♥♥♥ F;i ... honest ˇ>.<ˇ wrih wrau wraah wree

  3. x.x actually sang that kwiomi somg with ya - teh squirrels stuff >\./< ... HELP

  4. so what'so special about squirrels - it's they jump - it's like a body enlish a body spirit - it's a wave time guide - in a mid air your time reference is not earth to feet - you are in a reference mode - i don't quite recall - an "old stuff" - step by step like a cock is continuous time line casuality preserve mode - spot to spot jump (without turning - point reference fixing) you move more like a spirit ... well stuff alike

