watching America's Next Top Model Cycle 18 instead of studying for AP Psych (it's called British Invasion because half the girls are from the UK and half from US but seriously screw America LOL what is patriotism they're such bitches GO UK UK UK)
but omq they did a photoshoot with maple leaves on their bikinis and maple syrup all over them and holy shit the ribs on these girls I swear if you pushed one of them over they'd snap in halfhonestly the only girl I like |
wait no I like her too she pulls off 'androgenia' really well |
she'sabitch |
she'sasullensulkybitchwhoneedstogrowup |
I am offended
let me model
I've watched enough episodes of bitchy tall skinny girls bitching at each other
I think I'm going to go far in the fashion industry, seriously.
Going back to the rib thing: if you don’t know, my ribs stick out in a really weird way so even if I get stomach fat my ribs are still like out there
and here’s a pic for people who think that I’m trying to stick out my ribs lol. in the first pic it’s normal, second pic I’m trying to bust my own rib cage out the front of my chest. (and no, it doesn’t hurt)

*America's Next Top Bitch
o. i can definitely see the difference between the two pictures. i can tell u were sucking your stomach in.